Overview of a Simple Development Method. Background Before discussing some specific methods we will consider a simple method that doesn’t have a name.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of a Simple Development Method. Background Before discussing some specific methods we will consider a simple method that doesn’t have a name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of a Simple Development Method

2 Background Before discussing some specific methods we will consider a simple method that doesn’t have a name but is a bit like the USDP This is the method followed by former colleague Ken Lunn in his book Ken now works for the NHS where he is paid a lot of money to try to apply his method to some terrifyingly complex software development projects He is happy to co-supervise MSc projects

3 The Vision – a reminder Business Models Use Cases Activity Models Interaction Diagrams Object Models Programs Databases Business Computing

4 One possible lifecycle

5 Let’s wander through this lifecycle with a Case Study The Huddersfield Playhouse

6 A Word from our Sponsor

7 Aims of the Case Study To see the different UML models in action To see how the models fit together

8 The Vision Activity Diagrams Use Cases Sequence Diagrams Class Diagrams Programs Databases Business Computing Entity Models

9 Let’s have a look at this first

10 Company background The Huddersfield Playhouse, a newly formed repertory theatre, wishes to have a new system for selling tickets and managing their various venues. They currently use an old-style system that is slow and cumbersome, and does not meet all their needs. They already have a modern computer and a printer that prints tickets.

11 Your role You are the business systems analyst assigned to the task by HudSoft, the new state-of-the-art software house. The project manager needs a clear picture of the system scope so that he can put a formal bid together. Not all the things that the theatre wants to do are possible, and some of them will be too expensive. You are there to determine in the first instance what is possible.

12 Huddersfield Playhouse We have been supplied with some basic information. The company needs to be able to: Make telephone bookings Make desk bookings on the night of the performance Transfer sales information to the accounts system Handle two venues, a main theatre and a studio Produce and maintain a mailing list Take e-mail bookings via their Web site

13 Stakeholders Customers Booking clerk Theatre manager

14 Map out Business Processes

15 Review with Stakeholders Added by theatre manager

16 Review with Stakeholders Discuss with Theatre manager and Booking Clerk They are happy with your ideas so far Now we look at how the new system will function First some activity diagrams are produced for the activities

17 Counter booking process Select venue on system Select performance on system Choose seats Take customer name and contact details Print reservation stub for customer Advise them to pay for and collect tickets 30 mins before performance

18 Counter booking process Select venue on system Select performance on system Choose seats Print reservation stub for customer Take customer name and contact details Advise them to pay for and collect tickets 30 mins before performance Take details on paper and enter later Wait until performance details are on system

19 Counter booking process Select venue on system Select performance on system Choose seats Print reservation stub for customer Take customer name and contact details Advise them to pay for and collect tickets 30 mins before performance Take details on paper and enter later Wait until performance details are on system Long Queue Customer declines

20 Counter booking process Select venue on system Select performance on system Choose seats Print reservation stub for customer Take customer name and contact details Advise them to pay for and collect tickets 30 mins before performance Take details on paper and enter later Take Payment Wait until performance details are on system Long Queue Customer declines Customer offers to pay

21 Counter booking process Select venue on system Select performance on system Choose seats Print reservation stub for customer Take customer name and contact details Advise them to pay for and collect tickets 30 mins before performance Handwrite reservation details Take details on paper and enter later Take Payment Wait until performance details are on system Printer not working Long Queue Customer declines Customer offers to pay

22 Produce next activity diagram The Take Payment activity

23 Take payment activity diagram Advise customers of tickets price Request payment method Print tickets and hand to customer Thank customer Take payment by cheque Cheque offered

24 Take payment activity diagram Advise customers of tickets price Request payment method Print tickets and hand to customer Take payment by cheque Thank customer Take Cash Payment Cheque offered Cash offered

25 Take payment activity diagram Advise customers of tickets price Request payment method Print tickets and hand to customer Take payment by cheque Thank customer Take payment by credit card Take Cash Payment Cheque offered Credit card offered Cash offered Credit card refused

26 Take payment activity diagram Advise customers of tickets price Request payment method Print tickets and hand to customer Take payment by cheque Thank customer Take payment by credit card Hand write tickets Take Cash Payment Cheque offered Credit card offered Cash offered Can’t print Credit card refused

27 Produce diagram for Take payment by credit card

28 Take payment by credit card Swipe credit card Enter amount Check signature Return credit card, voucher and till receipt to customer Enter amount on till and print receipt Wait for acceptance Obtain signature

29 Take payment by credit card Swipe credit card Enter amount Check signature Obtain signature Return credit card, voucher and till receipt to customer Credit Card refused Enter amount on till and print receipt Wait for acceptance

30 Take payment by credit card Swipe credit card Enter amount Check signature Obtain signature Return credit card, voucher and till receipt to customer Credit Card refused Enter amount on till and print receipt Wait for acceptance Signature does not match

31 Take payment by credit card Swipe credit card Enter amount Check signature Obtain signature Return credit card, voucher and till receipt to customer Credit Card refused Enter amount on till and print receipt Wait for acceptance Signature does not match Refer to manager Second attempt does not match Manager approves Manager refuses

32 Let’s have a look at this

33 Now Consider Use Cases Booking Clerk Use Case Diagram Book tickets Print tickets

34 Now Consider Use Cases Booking Clerk Use Case Diagram Book tickets Print tickets Add to mailing list > Print reservation stub > Take payment >

35 Book ticket use case (1)

36 Book ticket use case (2)

37 So what have we got An overview of the business A detailed breakdown of some processes A set of use cases A detailed description of use cases Consulted stakeholders

38 The flow of work in requirements capture Print Tickets Booking Clerk Take Payment > Add to mailing list Book tickets > Print reservation stub >

39 What next? Class Diagrams Design using sequence diagrams

40 We now need to look at this

41 Getting Started

42 Moving on

43 Implying the need for this class diagram

44 That gets us to here

45 Research Topic

46 ‘Best practice’ in contemporary business systems design splits an application into four principal layers Presentation Application, Process, Task or Controller Domain object model Persistence

47 But “The Naked Objects Pattern” eliminates the controller layer by encapsulating all business functionality on the entity objects Presentation Application, Process or Use-case controller Domain object model Persistence

48 And has a generic presentation layer that automatically reflects the domain object model as an object-oriented user interface And has a generic presentation layer that automatically reflects the domain object model as an object-oriented user interface Presentation Application, Process or Use-case controller Domain object model Persistence

49 CarServ: A tale of two business applications


51 Good Idea? One of the research topics for the coursework element of this module Final project???

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