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Development & Implementation of Training Chapter #7.

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2 Development & Implementation of Training Chapter #7

3 Learning Outcomes  By the conclusion of this discussion you should: å Understand how to develop a training lesson plan using the various methods available. å Be able to create effective visual aids. å Be able select a room arrangement that will facilitate learning. å Understand the qualifications needed to be a good facilitator.

4 Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest  Questioning: å Why Ask? å Closed-ended vs. Open-ended å Overhead vs. Direct å Relay vs. Reverse

5 Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest  Getting Responses å Ice-breaker å 10-Second Rule å Listening skills å Movement

6 Answering Questions  Planning anticipated questions  Practicing answers  Tough Questions: å remain calm å take time to think å answer honestly å ask the audience for assistance å don’t ramble

7 Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest  Movement

8 Cruel “T”


10 Beat the Cruel “T” MOVEMENT

11 Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest  Non-verbal Communication å Eye contact å Nod head å Be enthusiastic

12 Body Language  Defense å non-desirable positions å audience uncomfortable  Offense å comfortable positions for you and the audience å aggressive but controlled  Positive and Negative Movement

13 Lecture Method: Maintaining Interest  Remove Filler-words  Variety

14 Computer Based Training (CBT)  Development issues: å Self-pacing å Interactivity å Sophistication

15 Games and Simulations  Development Issues: å Simulate as near reality as possible å Include all aspects of real situation å First, allow for skills practice without outside influence å Introduce outside influence

16 Business Games  Development Issues: å Intercompany vs. Intracompany å Allow adequate time å Key learning points å Feedback necessary

17 In-Basket  Development issues: å General discussion after activity å Discussion of advantages/disadvantages å Suggest alternative approaches å Lessons learned

18 Case Study  Development Issues: å Facilitate group discussion/List of questions å Identify key learning points å Do not give solutions å Allow adequate time to complete å Use real cases if applicable - update

19 Role Play  Development issues: å Feedback necessary (instructor, other trainee, 3 rd party) å Tailor standard role plays to trainees å Have trainees write their own – skills practice

20 Behavior Modeling  Development issues: å Allow trainee to watch model (preferable with cues) å Perform behavior å Analyze own performance å Receive feedback å Give everyone the same opportunity

21 On-The-Job Training  Development Issues: å Skilled trainers/coaches/mentors å Remember to prepare and follow-up å Mentoring: Support, Voluntary, Logical assignment Short-term, Orientation, Unstructured Monitor program

22 Visual Aids  Use When You Need to: å focus attention å reinforce, clarify, or emphasize your verbal message å stimulate interest/add variety å illustrate factors that are hard to visualize å help participants grasp information (83% of learning comes through site)

23 Visual Aids  Do NOT Use Visual Aids to: å impress your audience with overly detailed tables å avoid interaction with your audience å make more than one main point å present simple ideas that are easily stated verbally å Present irrelevant data Visuals that DISTRACT from the Presentation should not be used!


25 Training Room  Eliminate distractions å Windows, wall hangings, colors  Lighting considerations  Square shaped  Carpeted with sound-absorbing walls and ceiling  Temperature controls  Quiet

26 Room Logistics  Ensure there are enough seats for everyone.  Make sure the area is clean.  Set up your materials and visuals.  Have extra supplies on hand.  Set-up the room prior to training (if possible).  Tables (moveable) and chairs (comfortable)

27 Semi-Circle/U Arrangement

28 Center Table Arrangement

29 Round-Table Arrangement

30 Classroom Arrangement

31 Chevron Arrangement

32 Half Round Arrangement

33 Without Tables Arrangement


35 Off-site Facilities  No interruptions  Change of pace  More compatible facility å Rooms, food, lighting, equipment  Cost  Availability

36 Trainer Qualifications  KSAs  Credibility å First impression å Experience

37 Conclusion  Development of effective training methods is essential to the success of your training program.  Visual aids are a great supplement to any training if utilized effectively.  Careful thought and preparation needs to go into the training facility.  Knowledgeable, credible facilitators are also necessary for success.

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