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Visions of Europe in the world Workshop 2 THE “CENTRE-PERIPHERY” VISION: towards a dissymmetrical Euro-Mediterranean pattern.

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Presentation on theme: "Visions of Europe in the world Workshop 2 THE “CENTRE-PERIPHERY” VISION: towards a dissymmetrical Euro-Mediterranean pattern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visions of Europe in the world Workshop 2 THE “CENTRE-PERIPHERY” VISION: towards a dissymmetrical Euro-Mediterranean pattern

2 WORLD EVIDENCES - The “North-South regions”. Share in the World population & GDP, 1952-1998

3 WORLD EVIDENCES - The “North-South regions”. Synthesis

4 WORLD EVIDENCES - Bilateral international trade flows (1996-2000, EU25 aggregated)

5 VISIONS - The vision of world division by the ESPON members (Survey)

6 VISIONS- Official development assistance to the neighbourhood and the EU share (members and Commission, ann. average 2001-04)

7 VISIONS - Destination of German Foreign Direct Investment in the neighbourhood (stock, 2003)

8 VISIONS – Share of the neighbourhood in FDI (out stocks) France Idem, excluding intra UE15 FDI Germany Idem, excluding intra UE15 FDI Spain Idem, excluding intra UE15 FDI USA Japan

9 REGIONAL EVIDENCES – The center-periphery delimitation varies in the time (e.g. GDP / inhab.)

10 REGIONAL EVIDENCES - Egypt tourism (origins of tourists to Egypt, ann. average 2001-2003)

11 REGIONAL EVIDENCES - Demographic and markets opportunity Population in 2030 Demographic development 1955-2045

12 Territorial assets of the North-South Vision 1- A deeper Euro mediterranean integration, despite being asymmetrical (2010 free trade zone) 2- Mediterranean European territories will boost their development 3- Europe improves catching up with Asian and American counterparts (although not on the high-tech base of the Lisbon strategy)

13 Shortcomings of the North-South Vision 1- The relocation of the environmental burden on the southern shore of the Mediterranean is not sustainable 2- No de-pollution of the Mediterranean 3- No change in the migration mix: mainly low educated migrants toward Mediterranean Europe 4- Southern brain drain is not stopped 5- North Africa as gatekeeper against sub-Saharan African migrants

14 Expected impacts on EU territorial cohesion

15 Global cities Global gateway National capitals or other major cities Rural regions Touristic regions Old industrial regions High tech regions

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