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Nessus – A Vulnerability Scanning Tool SUNY Technology Conference June 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Nessus – A Vulnerability Scanning Tool SUNY Technology Conference June 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nessus – A Vulnerability Scanning Tool SUNY Technology Conference June 2003

2 Bill Kramp Finger Lakes Community College Canandaigua, NY

3 Outline What is Nessus? Why use it? System and Software ConfigurationScanningReportsDemonstrationDiscussion

4 Nessus Vulnerability scanning tool Open source Zero software costs Zero annual maintenance costs Minimal hardware needs

5 Why scan? To meet your campus security policy. To find out what services are running. To double check that software patches are installed correctly. If you don’t find the holes, the hackers will. Like Martha says “It’s a good thing”.

6 System Requirements Server: Linux Linux Solaris Solaris FreeBSD FreeBSDClients: Win32 Win32 X11 X11 Java Java

7 Server Software Four basic parts to the Nessus server: Nessus-core Nessus-core Nessus-libraries Nessus-libraries Libnasl Libnasl Nessus-plugins Nessus-plugins

8 Plugins Plugins are the scripts that perform the vulnerability tests. NASL – This is the Nessus Attack Scripting Language which can be used to write your own plugins. Nessus-update-plugins command– A script that will download new, or updated Nessus plugins. Can be run manually or from cron. 1600 plugins available as of June 10, 2003

9 Port Scanners Port scanning will detect the ports (services) available. Port scanning types: Ping Ping SYN scan SYN scan Tcp connect() scan Tcp connect() scan Scan for LaBrea tarpitted hosts Scan for LaBrea tarpitted hosts SNMP port scan SNMP port scan Can define port ranges to scan

10 Defining Targets Hosts Address range

11 Vulnerability Scanning Scanning methods: Safe Safe Destructive Destructive Service recognition – Will determine what service is actually running on a particular port. Handle multiple services – Will test a service if it appears on more then one port. Will test multiple systems at the same time.

12 Viewing Reports Nessus will indicate the threat level for services or vulnerabilities it detects: Low severity – Notification of issues Low severity – Notification of issues Medium severity – Warnings to think about Medium severity – Warnings to think about High severity – Issues that should be resolved High severity – Issues that should be resolved Description of vulnerability Risk factor CVE number

13 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE created by Attempting to standardize the names for vulnerabilities. Attempting to standardize the names for vulnerabilities. CVE search engine at

14 Report Options Output types: Text Text HTML HTML PDF PDF Filter by severity Sort by host or vulnerability

15 Export Options Comma Separated MySQLSQL Nessus.nsl

16 User Accounts Nessus supports individual accounts. Different rules can be applied to each account: Limit access to specific host(s) Limit access to specific host(s) Limit access by subnets Limit access by subnets Have no restrictions Have no restrictions

17 Connecting to Nessus Server

18 Define the Targets

19 Selecting Plugins

20 Scanning…

21 Testing Completed

22 Viewing Session Results

23 Nessus Resources Nessus PHP Interface (to MySQL): essus-php/ essus-php/ essus-php/ Win32 Client: Gnome Client:

24 Commercial Products SecureScan Retina Internet Scanner

25 Discussion Does any campus have policies to test? What software are other campuses using?

26 Nessus – A Vulnerability Scanning Tool A complete copy of the Power Point presentation will be available on the college website at

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