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Environmental Science Midterm Review. Natural resources Food, water, metals, minerals, coal, oil, natural gas.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Science Midterm Review. Natural resources Food, water, metals, minerals, coal, oil, natural gas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Science Midterm Review

2 Natural resources Food, water, metals, minerals, coal, oil, natural gas

3 Ecology The study of the interaction between all life forms and the non-living components of Earth

4 Industrial revolution The invention of machines and energy to do man’s work. Added pollution, increased populations, climate change

5 Overconsumption Rich countries over consume natural resources at a rate where they cannot be replaced

6 Pollution Air, water, soil

7 Over population Too many people; not enough resources for all

8 Hypothesis A prediction to solve a problem

9 Scientific theory A hypothesis proved true many many times

10 Biosphere All air, water, and land on Earth

11 Atmosphere The air above earth and before outer space

12 Hydrosphere The water – fresh and salt on Earth

13 Lithosphere Outer solid part of the earth Site where plate tectonics occurs

14 Earth Crust What happens to temperature and pressure as you move towards the center of the Earth? Pressure and heat Increase as you move towards core

15 Outer core Molten Lava – liquid hot

16 Inner core Solid ball iron and nickel – magnetic; gravity

17 Pangaea All continents form one super continent

18 Weather Map Symbols (H, L)

19 Cold front Cold wind that replaces warm wind. Cold and dry

20 Interaction of CFC and Ozone CFC – come from refrigerators and aerosol spray cans Eats away at Ozone

21 Weathering and Erosion Break down of rocks; land, mountains due to wind and weather

22 Ecosystem Geographic area- all living and non-living components

23 Abiotic Not living – air, water, soil, sunlight, climate

24 Biotic Living – all life

25 Energy in an ecosystem Sun – moves through the food chain Much is lost

26 Habitat Place – environment an organism lives in

27 Niche Role or job in an ecosystem House fly: Decompose organic matter Honey bee: Pollinate flowering plants Worms are decomposers, therefore his niche would be to break down decaying carcasses and leaves. Wolves in Alaska are to control the caribou population, but the governor up there thinks that's her job Urban striped skunk. - Its niche is eating catfood, garbage, small rodents, bird eggs, anything else, denning under porches, spraying at dogs and children who chase them, dying or rabies or other diseases, getting hit by cars, and eaten by great horned owls.

28 Producer Make food from sunlight

29 Consumer Eat plants or animals

30 Secondary consumer Eat primary consumers

31 Decomposer Fungi, bacteria, or scavengers – eat dead organisms- break them down

32 Population Number of one type of organism in a very specific area of land

33 Evolution The change of life forms over time

34 Natural selection Nature selects the organisms with the best traits to survive and pass their genes

35 Adaptation A beneficial trait that helps an organism survive

36 Camouflage Blend in with environment

37 Warning colors Bright colors indicate they are poisonous to eat.

38 Mimicry Copy animals with warning colors, but are not poisonous Honeybee harmless fly

39 Succession Forest Gets destroyed – describe how new forest forms Grasses – shrubs - trees

40 Biome Places on Earth – specific geographic location, climate, plants, and animals

41 Tropical Rainforest Hot, rainy species of animals with specialized ways of surviving in order to avoid competition

42 Deciduous forest Trees grow lush green leaves in the spring, but lose their leaves in late summer.

43 Temperate Rain forest low rainfall in summer but abundant snow in winter.

44 Tundra tundra, then grasslands, then tropical rain forests

45 Equator Center of Earth that gets most sun….hot

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