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Lesson 9 Objectives: To describe the role of biotechnology in developing new medicines – pharmacogenomics.

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1 Lesson 9 Objectives: To describe the role of biotechnology in developing new medicines – pharmacogenomics

2 Pharmacogenomics offers the potential to match an individual’s genetic profile to the particular variety of a drug which best suits that individual. Eventually it will be possible to personalise drug treatments based on an understanding of our individual genetic variations. The advantages are: Abetter medicines Bsafer drugs Cmore accurate drug dosages Dbetter vaccines. Match each potential advantage A–D of pharmacogenomics with the potential outcome (from 1–4) that fits with it best: 1fewer allergic reactions to genetic material 2treatments target particular diseases 3adverse reactions less likely 4treatment based on how well the body processes medicines rather than on age and body weight.

3 Pharmacogenomics - what are the advantages?

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