Coastal Smart Growth s/index.htm s/index.htm

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal Smart Growth s/index.htm s/index.htm"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal Smart Growth s/index.htm s/index.htm oolkit/pages/SG-CS.html oolkit/pages/SG-CS.html

2 What is Better Site Design? A Set of Tools Designed To: – Reduce Impervious Cover – Promote Conservation of Natural Areas – Promote the Diffusion of Stormwater Runoff – Encourage Effective Stormwater Management and Treatment Massachusetts Smart Growth

3 The Problem Pre-Development Impacts from Typical Development

4 Photo Copyright 1999, Center for Watershed Protection Downspouts Connected to Driveway = More Runoff, Less Infiltration The Problem: Source: CWP

5 Dry Well Infiltration of Roof Runoff Solutions: Disconnection of Rooftop Runoff to vegetated swale Source: CWP

6 Vegetated Filter Strips Pretreatment and Attenuation Vegetated Filter Strips Pretreatment and Attenuation Mild vegetated slopes Adjacent to small parking lots and roadways Another opportunity for snow storage Mild vegetated slopes Adjacent to small parking lots and roadways Another opportunity for snow storage Source: City of Portland, OR

7 Bioretention Treatment, Retention, Infiltration, Landscaping Bioretention Treatment, Retention, Infiltration, Landscaping Excavation filled with engineered soil mix Herbaceous perennials, shrubs, trees Ponded water infiltrates within 72 hours Overflow outlet and optional under drain Excavation filled with engineered soil mix Herbaceous perennials, shrubs, trees Ponded water infiltrates within 72 hours Overflow outlet and optional under drain Source: CWP

8 Bioretention Applications Bioretention Applications Parking lot islands Median strips Residential lots Office parks Parking lot islands Median strips Residential lots Office parks Source: Larry Gavin Source: LID Center Source: City of Portland, OR

9 Photo Copyright 1999, Center for Watershed Protection Sand Filter with inlet grate (Left) and filters (Right) Placed under parking lots or along perimeter; Provides water quality treatment; Most applicable for “hotspot land uses.” Sand Filter with inlet grate (Left) and filters (Right) Placed under parking lots or along perimeter; Provides water quality treatment; Most applicable for “hotspot land uses.” Sand Filters

10 Grass pavers Paving stones Porous asphalt Pervious concrete Reinforced turf Grass pavers Paving stones Porous asphalt Pervious concrete Reinforced turf Permeable Paving Runoff Reduction Permeable Paving Runoff Reduction

11 Best Management Practices Techniques to Reduce Stormwater Runoff and to Treat Non-Point Source Pollution includes: Site planning techniques (e.g., narrower roads, conserved natural areas, preserved natural depressions/topography); Dry wells for rooftop runoff; Grassed (vegetated) swales; Filter buffer strips; Bioretention areas Sand/organic filters; Permeable pavers; Green roofs; Rain barrels and cisterns; Stormwater planters.

12 Green Roof Systems Runoff Reduction, Reduced Heating / Cooling Costs Green Roof Systems Runoff Reduction, Reduced Heating / Cooling Costs Rainwater stored in a lightweight engineered soil medium; Hardy, drought-resistant vegetation; Reduces runoff by 50%. Not recommended in watersheds where baseflows are already diminished. Consider direct recharge of roof runoff to enhance recharge. Rainwater stored in a lightweight engineered soil medium; Hardy, drought-resistant vegetation; Reduces runoff by 50%. Not recommended in watersheds where baseflows are already diminished. Consider direct recharge of roof runoff to enhance recharge.

13 Green Roof Systems

14 Case Study: Genzyme Center, Cambridge, MA Re-Use of Stormwater for Irrigation USGBC LEED

15 Smart planning





20 4. Draw lot lines around the homes.

21 Building Sustainable & Resilient Communities: Conservation Planning Helping coastal communities plan and prepare for increasing coastal development, effectively balancing economic, social, and environmental factors; Examples: Maine Coast Protection Initiative Land Trust Alliance Partnership Balancing pressures of growth and development in coastal watersheds Working to increase the pace and quality of strategic coastal land conservation Pacific Northwest Marine Conservation and Management The Nature Conservancy Partnership Improving methods for identifying priority sites for marine conservation and management Alternatives for Coastal Development Illustrating through GIS 3D visualizations and geospatial technology different coastal development scenarios that address questions about growth and development along the coast

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