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Hardware For your computer. Definition First! Hardware is the equipment that processes data to create information. This includes Keyboard Monitor Printer.

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Presentation on theme: "Hardware For your computer. Definition First! Hardware is the equipment that processes data to create information. This includes Keyboard Monitor Printer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardware For your computer

2 Definition First! Hardware is the equipment that processes data to create information. This includes Keyboard Monitor Printer Computer *and other devices controlled by software programming

3 4 types of computers Supercomputer Mainframe Minicomputer Microcomputer * We use the microcomputer. This is the least powerful, but for our everyday needs, it gets the job done!

4 Microcomputers *desktop *handheld computer *tablet PC *Notebook computer *laptop *palm computer *PDA

5 4 basic categories of physical equipment System Unit Output/Input Secondary Storage Communication

6 #1 System Unit  The System Unit is a container that holds a lot of the electrical components that make up the computer systems. Sometimes it is referred to as “the box”. It holds: Microprocessor, hard drive, memory (RAM), CD and DVD drives, floppy drive, modem, power supply, cooling fans and the motherboard.

7 Input/Output Input devices translate data from humans and put it into a form that computers can read. Mouse Keyboard Output devices translate data from computer form to a form that humans can understand. Using… Monitor Video display screen

8 Secondary Storage Secondary Storage holds data even after the computer’s electrical supply has been turned off. *floppy disc *hard disc *compact disc

9 Communication Communication devices allow a computer to communicate with another computer system located nearby or far away. *Modem

10 Review Microcomputers Hardware * Desktop *system unit * Laptop * input/output Handheld *secondary storage *PDA *communication

11 The End!!

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