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Presentation on theme: "ФИЗИКО-ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ НАНОТЕХНОЛОГИИ"— Presentation transcript:

Профессор Н.Г. Рамбиди

2 2. Что такое нанотехнология?

3 Предпосылки Николай Семенович Лесков Левша (Сказ о тульском косом левше и о стальной блохе) Последовательно возрастающая степень микроминиатюризации

4 Предпосылки Станислав Лем Научно-фантастический роман «Непобедимый» Странная механистическая цивилизация: распределенная система, децентрализованное управление, принцип построения «снизу-вверх», самоорганизация

5 Предпосылки Эрвин Шредингер г.г «Что такое жизнь с точки зрения физики» Лекции, прочитанные в Тринити-Колледж в Дублине в феврале 1943 г Изданы в Москве в 1947 г. Идея апериодического кристалла «Мы полагаем, что ген или, может быть целое хромосомное волокно, представляет собой апериодическое твердое тело»

6 John von Neumann Born: Dec. 28, 1903 Budapest, Hungary
Died: Feb. 8, 1957

7 John von Neumann Quantum Logic Game Theory Ergodic Theory
Hydrodynamics Cellular Automata Computers

8 Self Replicating Systems
Self replicating systems were first proposed by John von Neumann in the 1940s. His idea for a self replicating assembler has been used by Drexler to develop a simple system. Figure 3: Drexler’s Architecture for a Self Replicating Assembler (Ref. 2)

9 Father of ALife – John von Neumann
Neumann’s Automata Assumptions Computation universality Construction universality Characteristics 29 states, 2D Cellular automata Environment of infinite resources Self Reproduction into identical copy Input tape with data and instructions Evolution explained as well Significance – precursor to DNA discovery

10 Richard Feynman (1918-1988) Shared Nobel Prize in Physics, 1965
Known also for his personality “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman” “What Do You Care What Other People Think?” Unique combination Theoretical physicist Practical Iconoclast

11 Grandfather of nanotechnology
“There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom: An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, 1959 Published in Caltech’s Engineering and Science, 1960

12 Photo-reduction What would it take to inscribe the entire Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of a pin? Reduction in size by 25,000 Each dot would be the size of 1000 atoms In 1959, it was known how to read something that small. Feynman argued that soon we would be able to write that small.

13 Other forms of encoding
Represent each character (letter, number, etc.) as a sequence of dots and dashes. Represent dots with one kind of metal (125 atoms), dashes with another. Store in 3 dimensions. All human knowledge could be stored in a piece of dust 1/200th of an inch wide!

14 Prediction: microcomputers
“There is nothing that I can see in the physical laws that says the computer elements cannot be made enormously smaller than they are now.”

15 Predictions “But I am not afraid to consider the final question as to whether, ultimately – in the great future – we can arrange the atoms the way we want; the very atoms, all the way down!” – Feynman, 1959 D.M. Eigler, E.K. Schweizer. Positioning single atoms with a scanning tunneling microscope. Nature 344, (1990).

16 Prediction: Year 2000 “In the year 2000… they will wonder why it was not until the year 1960 that anybody began seriously to move in this direction.”

17 Copyright © 1998 by Sidney Harris

18 K. Eric Drexler (1955-) PhD, Molecular Nanotechnology, 1991 Books
Engines of Creation, 1986 Unbounding the Future, 1991 Nanosystems,1992 Father of nanotechnology Founder and chairman, Foresight Institute

19 Engines of Construction
Everything is made of atoms. Millennia ago, we manipulated trillions of trillions of atoms at a time. Throughout history, we’ve gotten better at manipulating matter. In the future, we’ll be able to manipulate individual atoms.                                                               

20 What’s a machine? “Any system, usually of rigid bodies, formed and connected to alter, transmit, and direct applied forces in a predetermined manner to accomplish a specific objective, such as the performance of useful work.”

21 Universal assemblers Nanomachines able to build any legal configuration of atoms Once the first universal assembler is built, the “two-week revolution” will begin. Also universal disassemblers Clean-up Duplication

22 A hydrocarbon bearing

23 Neon pump

24 A proposal for a molecular positional device

25 Swallowing the surgeon would be interesting in surgery if you could swallow the surgeon. You put the mechanical surgeon inside the blood vessel and it goes into the heart and “looks” around Other small machines might be permanently incorporated in the body to assist some inadequately-functioning organ. Richard P. Feynman, 1959 Nobel Prize for Physics, 1965

26 Респироцит: углерод с решеткой алмаза
Респироцит: углерод с решеткой алмаза. 5 миллилитров 50% раствора заменяют по несущей способности кислорода всю кровь организма (Роберт Фрейтас)

27 Лечебная процедура: инъекция нескольких миллилитров раствора (1-3 триллиона нанороботов)

28 Электромотор: толщина ~100 мкм, шпиндель –углеродная нанотрубка

29 Nanotechnology offers
Nanotechnology offers ... possibilities for health, wealth, and capabilities beyond most past imaginings. K. Eric Drexler

30 Кто и как определяет, что такое нанотехнология
Кто и как определяет, что такое нанотехнология

31 Что такое нанотехнология?

32 Что такое нанотехнология?

33 Что такое нанотехнология?
НАСА: разработка системы наноспутников

34 An Interdisciplinary Field of Research

35 Характерные особенности нанотехнологии

36 Основные принципы нанотехнологии
Предельная миниатюризация, Распределенная структура, Принцип построения системы «снизу-вверх», Самоорганизация

37 How cheap? Potatoes, lumber, wheat and other agricultural products are examples of products made using a self replicating manufacturing base. Costs of roughly a dollar per pound are common. Molecular manufacturing will make almost any product for a dollar per pound or less, independent of complexity. (Design costs, licensing costs, etc. not included)


39 Наночастицы

40 Наночастицы

41 Нанотехнология: принципы «сверху-вниз» и «снизу-вверх»

42 Нанотехнология: сборка на атомном уровне

43 Методы контроля нано-изделий
Методы контроля нано-изделий

44 Электронная микроскопия

45 Растровая электронная микроскопия

46 Зондовые методы контроля микросхем

47 Сканирующие зондовые методы

48 Оптическая сканирующая микроскопия

49 Оптическая сканирующая микроскопия

50 Оже-спектроскопия

51 Оже-спектроскопия

52 Оже-спектроскопия

53 Растровая оже-микроскопия

54 Еще раз о понятии «нанотехнология»

55 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
The nanoscale is not just another step towards miniaturization. It is a qualitatively new scale where materials properties depend on size and shape, as well as composition, and differ significantly from the same properties in the bulk. “Nanoscience” seeks to understand these new properties. “Nanotechnology” seeks to develop materials and structures that exhibit novel and significantly improved physical, chemical, and tribiological properties and functions due to their nanoscale size. The goals of nanoscience and nanotechnology are: to understand and predict the properties of materials at the nanoscale to “manufacture” nanoscale components from the bottom up to integrate nanoscale components into macroscopic scale objects and devices for real-world uses

56 Объекты или процессы, с которыми приходится иметь дело нанотехнологии, - в основном, сложные динамические системы. Основная проблема – какие механизмы на микро (меза) уровне приводят к необходимому эффекту на макроуровне. Поэтому принципы нанотехнологии, исходно понимаемые как переход на атомно-молекулярный уровень, применимы и к сложным динамическим макро-системам. В сущности, сегодня нанотехнология – не только технология разработки и производства изделий, но и способ мышления, технология подходов к решению сложных задач.


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