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Where is Our SWWA Climate Headed? Bryson C. Bates Director, CSIRO CLIMATE.

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Presentation on theme: "Where is Our SWWA Climate Headed? Bryson C. Bates Director, CSIRO CLIMATE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is Our SWWA Climate Headed? Bryson C. Bates Director, CSIRO CLIMATE

2 Talk Outline Background GHG emissions Time scale and context Planning for climate change Scenarios Global climate models (GCMs) Climate change scenarios for SWWA Concluding remarks

3 GHG Emissions CO 2 concentrations have grown from 280 ppm in 1750 to 375 ppm in 2003 Half of CO 2 emitted by human activities absorbed by oceans & biosphere, leaving half in atmosphere where it has a lifetime of 50 to 100 years Impossible to stabilise GHG concentrations at current level Stabilization at 450 ppm requires reductions of 40% by 2050 & 60% by 2090, limiting global warming to 1.2 to 2.3 ºC by 2100 Regardless of reductions in GHG emissions, some climate change is inevitable

4 Time Scale & Context Super-greenhouse conditions have existed before – well before advent of humans Estimates of arrival time for next ice age vary from 100s to 20,000 years Population: 5M@35,000BC; 1.2B@1850; 2.5B @1950; 5.3B@1990; 6.3B@2000; 10B by 2050? In 200 years, world's urban population has grown from 2% to nearly 50% Megacities: 4@1975, 19@2000, 23@2015? Infrastructure designed on assumption of a stationary climate

5 Planning for Climate Change Rather than extrapolating observed trends, we use computer models of climate system driven by scenarios of GHG & aerosol emissions, & ozone depletion Future GHG emissions will depend on demographic, economic, technological, & political factors that are likely to evolve discontinuously in coming decades Reliable prediction of Australia’s climate over next few decades is impossible Better not to select one future & hope it comes to pass, nor to find the most probable future & adapt to it

6 Scenarios Series of events that could lead from the present to plausible but not assured future situations Exemplify what might happen with/without actions to reduce GHG emissions Provide baseline against which need for, and effectiveness of, adaptation measures & emission reductions can be measured Not the same as predictions or forecasts! Usually consider at most 6 to 7 scenarios (e.g. likely, pessimistic, optimistic) Acknowledge presence of uncertainty

7 IPCC SRES Scenarios A2 – population growth to 15 billion by 2100; rather slow economic and technological development B2 – population growth to 10.4 billion by 2100; more rapidly evolving economy and more emphasis on environmental protection There are also 5 IPCC CO 2 stabilisation scenarios (450-1000 ppm)

8 Global Warming Scenarios 1.2 1.4 1.5 2.3 2.9 5.8 50% of uncertainty due to GCMs; 50% to emission scenarios

9 Global Climate Models Main components: atmosphere, land surface, biosphere, oceans, and polar ice Simulate water & energy fluxes at 30-minute time steps over 3-D computational grid

10 A Perspective on GCMs Current GCMs do good job at simulating most of essential climate-forming processes in atmosphere & oceans, & behaviour of total climate system at global scale Best GCMs not yet sophisticated enough to capture all of the processes that influence climate at regional scales We have several well-tested technologies for inferring climatic information at local & regional scales from GCM simulations

11 IPCC SRES Scenarios Scenarios used: A2, A1B & B1

12 Mean Temp: 9 GCMs SRES 550 ppm 450 ppm May to October November to April 2030 2070

13 Precipitation: 9 GCMs SRES550 ppm450 ppm May to October November to April 2030 2070

14 Potential Evaporation: 7 GCMs SRES550 ppm450 ppm May to October November to April 2030 2070

15 Some Weather Types 1016 1000 1012 1008 1016 1004 1012 Type 5 H H L

16 Probabilities 1958 - 2003

17 Coupled GCM Runs CSIRO Mk 3 AGCM: T63 (1.875 o x 1.875 o approx); 18 vertical levels OGCM: 1.875 o longitude x 0.9375 o latitude; 31 vertical levels Transient run (380 years): observed GHG forcing 1871-present; A2 SRES scenario to 2100; stable GHG 2100-2250 Control run (323 years): 330 ppm equivalent CO 2 for 1871-2193; no other historical forcing



20 Margaret River Current rainfall decrease, as recorded by speleothem P, is well-outside range of natural rainfall variability of last 200 years

21 A New Way of Thinking! Climate is non-stationary: changed rapidly in the past; changing now; & will change in the future Future climate will exhibit wet and dry periods due to natural variability – this variability will be superimposed upon continued warming & changes in mean rainfall We cannot wait for full scientific certainty: it may never come, or it may be too late! We must take a balance of evidence approach for the time being (just like medical science)

22 A New Way of Thinking! Mitigation & adaptation are necessary & complementary Developing policies & plans that are robust across a range of plausible futures will improve environmental, food & water security Planning for the future can lead to beneficial outcomes in the present We need to find fair & cost-effective measures to minimise adverse impacts & maximise benefits (must consider communities, not just economics)

23 13-17 November 2005, Melbourne AwarenessAdaptationAbatementAction

24 The End

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