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Effect of roving on spatial release from masking for amplitude-modulated noise stimuli Norbert Kopčo *, Jaclyn J. Jacobson, and Barbara Shinn-Cunningham.

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Presentation on theme: "Effect of roving on spatial release from masking for amplitude-modulated noise stimuli Norbert Kopčo *, Jaclyn J. Jacobson, and Barbara Shinn-Cunningham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effect of roving on spatial release from masking for amplitude-modulated noise stimuli Norbert Kopčo *, Jaclyn J. Jacobson, and Barbara Shinn-Cunningham Hearing Research Center Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems Boston University * Technická univerzita, Košice, Slovakia and Dartmouth College

2 2June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Introduction Spatial Release from Masking (SRM): Detectability of a masked Target sound improves when Target (T) and Masker (M) are spatially separated Study the interaction between spatial processing (SRM) and temporal modulation processing when detecting masked stimuli

3 3June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Goals Question 1: How does presence of modulation in T or M influence SRM? E.g., is SRM larger when T only modulated or when M only modulated? Question 2: What cues/factors determine performance? E.g.: space, temporal modulation, grouping. Performed 2 experiments, differing in Masker level uncertainty.

4 4June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Methods: Stimuli Target (T) – white noise 300-8000 Hz, 200 ms Masker (M) – white noise 200-12000 Hz, 300 ms 30-ms cos 2 ramps T temporally centered in M 40-Hz sinusoidal amplitude modulation, depth of 0.5 Example: modulated T in (nominally) non-modulated M:

5 5June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Methods: Modulation Conditions Modulation type: no modulation T / M modulated in phase only T modulated only M modulated T / M modulated out of phase Envelope:

6 6June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Methods: Spatial Configurations Virtual auditory space, non-individualized anechoic HRTFs, distance 1m Five spatial configurations: Separated Co-located

7 7June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Exp 1 Methods: general - 7 normal hearing listeners - Threshold TMR in 25 different conditions (5 spatial x 5 modulation) - 5 repeats per subject per condition (+ 1 practice) - 3I-2AFC procedure, adapting T level; M level fixed Analysis: - collapse data across co-located and separated configurations - plot across-subject mean threshold TMR and within-subject standard error of mean

8 8June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Results of Experiment 1 Compared to no modulation ( ), presence of modulation can decrease ( ), increase ( ), or not change ( ) SRM. Effect is small (up to 2 dB). -

9 9June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Perceptual Learning in Exp 1 Perceptual learning observed in all conditions, but with varying size. Effect of modulation on SRM is small in first repeat ( ) but large in last ( ) - 1 st vs. 5 th repeat

10 10June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Exp 1: Summary Perceptual learning observed over course of experiment, causing growing differences in the effect of modulation on SRM. At the end, compared to no-modulation: - SRM grows with T modulation (2 dB) - SRM decreases with M modulation or T/M modulation out-of-phase (2 dB) - small effect of co-modulation Candidate cues: - modulation (detected in periphery or in IC) - space (SOC) - space / modulation as grouping cues - increase in level

11 11June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Exp 2: Intro Goal: Which cues determine which thresholds Introduce Masker level uncertainty - Eliminate across-interval overall level change cue: M level roved by ±5 dB between intervals within a 3I-2AFC trial ( T level roved as well to keep TMR constant) Otherwise Exp 2 identical to Exp 1 (7 new subjs). Results: Observed perceptual learning similar to Exp 1. Next, show only results of last repeat.

12 12June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Results: Exp 1 & Exp 2 – last repeat Left: Rove has huge effect when no modulation or space cue available, small effect when modulation cue only available, no effect when space cue avail. -

13 13June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Results: Exp 1 & Exp 2 – last repeat Right: Results w/ no modulation ( ) cue are rove-level dependent. Results w/ modulation ( ) are independent of rove, except for a constant shift. -

14 14June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Summary For broadband noise T masked by broadband noise M: When T and M are co-located: - T-modulated threshold is worse than M-mod threshold, which is worse than the T/M-mod-out-of-phase threshold - non-mod thresholds are M-level dependent When T and M are separated: - trends are similar, but differences smaller - non-mod thresholds are worse than mod-thresholds Perceptual asymmetry: SRM when detecting absence/reduction in modulation is smaller (by 4 dB) than SRM when detecting presence/increase in modulation. Possible mechanism: Non-linear combination of space and modulation cues.

15 15June 6, 2006ASA 06 Providence Summary Perceptual learning was observed, and it was stronger for some combinations of spatial/modulation conditions than for others  Different strategies/cues are used for detection of presence vs. absence of modulation. Effects might be larger after more learning. Masker level uncertainty - influenced detection when overall stimulus level was the only detection cue, and, to a lesser extent, when modulation cue was available. - did not influence detection when space cue was available. Very few of these effects can be explained by considering only mechanisms of peripheral/brainstem auditory processing.

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