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A.Kleiner*, N. Behrens** and H. Kenn** Wearable Computing meets MAS: A real-world interface for the RoboCupRescue simulation platform Motivation Wearable.

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Presentation on theme: "A.Kleiner*, N. Behrens** and H. Kenn** Wearable Computing meets MAS: A real-world interface for the RoboCupRescue simulation platform Motivation Wearable."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.Kleiner*, N. Behrens** and H. Kenn** Wearable Computing meets MAS: A real-world interface for the RoboCupRescue simulation platform Motivation Wearable computing Data integration MAS solutions for USAR * University of Freiburg ** Center of Computing Technology (TZI) Bremen

2 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn2 Why to integrate sensor data during search and rescue? Situation awareness:  Where am I: problem of self-localization  Where to go: Connectivity between places has changed  What to communicate: Destroyed places are difficult to describe Getting simulation and MAS closer to reality:  Exchange of real data for analysis and training  Development and improvement of disaster simulators  Close-to-reality development of multi- agent software

3 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn3 The current test system GPS-based localization and data collection with a wearable device  No additional cognitive load, e.g. system collects data in the background  Trajectories are collected and send to a server via GPRS/UMTS Data integration on the server-side  Generation of connectivity network annotated with observations  Data exchange with the RoboCup Rescue kernel via the GPX protocol  Coordination of exploration and victim search 3G Phone PC GPS

4 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn4 Data Integration Example Integration from data collected by the wearable computer To RoboCup Rescue To Google earth (GPX)

5 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn5 Open research problem Improving GPS accuracy in urban areas GPS routing on a road network is solved?! Urban Search And Rescue:  Road network destroyed  Multiple signal path problem if close to buildings  Weak signal within buildings Solution: Multi-agent SLAM* by agents attached to humans *Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) GPS Track on a cloudy day

6 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn6 Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Based on the work of Q. Ladetto at EPFL Idea: Estimate length and direction of step based on motion sensor data Fusion of GPS and PDR position estimates Implementation: Michael Dippold (Master Student at TZI) cts/leica/ Red: GPS Data (Tuesday, clear sky) Green: GPS + PDR fusion GPS lost GPS Jump

7 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn7 Solution for the future: Application of a SLAM technique, borrowed from robotics MA SLAM implies a data association and estimation problem Pose estimation:  Dead reckoning from accelerometers, gyroscopes and step counters Data association:  Partially GPS localization with high accuracy, e.g. if close to stationary posts outside the buildings  Detection of RFID tags within buildings Central integration of data from multiple agents RFID Wristband

8 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn8 MAS support for USAR Example1: Dijkstra based travel time estimation Legend Red (bright to dark)  estimated travel time White  unreachable area

9 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn9 MAS support for USAR Example2: Informed coordination of victim search Legend Yellow  Targets assigned by the station Green  Found victims White  Explored buildings

10 A. Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn10 Future visions Distributed SLAM by “wearable” agents, attached to human task forces RoboCup Rescue as a unified MAS benchmark based on real data RoboCup Rescue as an unified platform for responders to train and evaluate real rescue missions

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