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The Yohkoh observations of solar flares Hugh Hudson UCB.

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Presentation on theme: "The Yohkoh observations of solar flares Hugh Hudson UCB."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Yohkoh observations of solar flares Hugh Hudson UCB

2 The Yohkoh observations Structure in soft X-rays Dynamics in soft X-rays Footpoint behavior Coronal hard X-ray sources Microflares/nanoflares Waves

3 Yohkoh discoveries Large-scale arcades The Masuda phenomenon Dimming (3 kinds?) Sigmoids and CMEs Foot-point “motions” Coronal hard X-ray sources X-ray detection of waves

4 More discoveries TILs Hard X-ray ribbons Jets Coronal-hole channels Loop-top features Cusps

5 All of the preceding images came from the Yohkoh science nuggets, to be found at

6 What are some meaty problems? How do flares launch global waves? How do we understand the symbiosis of energy release and particle acceleration? What is the nature of the geometrical evolution of the corona in the impulsive phase of a flare (or the acceleration phase of CME)?

7 Topics 1.Coronal structure and conjugacy 2.Fine structure in the corona 3.Particle acceleration 4.Global waves 5.Extraordinary events

8 1. Coronal structure and conjugacy Fletcher et al., 2001Cargill & Priest, 1995?

9 Coronal separatrix structure The separatrix surfaces deform during an energy-release event The flare ribbons in the chromosphere should map into these separatrices Ribbon brightening not only reveals the energy, but also describes the coronal restructuring

10 B. Somov, 2002

11 Warren & Warshall ApJ 560, L87, 2001 Asai et al., Y10 proceedings, 2002

12 2. Fine structure in the corona Higher-temperature things in the corona look fuzzier than lower-temperature things (eg, “yellow line” vs “red line”) TRACE/Yohkoh comparison from Warren et al, ApJ 572, 121 (1999)

13 Observations of spatial fine structure for coronal non-thermal source (White et al., preprint 2002)

14 Another example of fine structure at high energies (White et al., ApJ 384, 656, 1992).

15 Hard X-ray footpoints systematically trace out fine-scale features (T. Metcalf, fall AGU meeting 2001)

16 Metcalf made a potential- field extrapolation and found that the separatrix structure correlated in interesting ways with the in-plane motions, but not with the out-of-plane (perpendicular to B) motions.

17 3. Particle acceleration and energy release Neupert effect Soft-hard-soft vs soft-hard-harder

18 RHESSI 20-25 keV (purple) GOES 1-8 A (green) Neupert effect

19 Lessons from the Neupert effect The energy release that fills coronal loops with hot plasma has a direct relationship with particle acceleration To a first approximation, this relationship is independent of the scale or intensity of the energy release


21 F. Farnik, 2001

22 Lessons from soft-hard-soft Non-thermal time scales are usually not determined by trapping The spectral evolution at high energies is an intrinsic property of the acceleration mechanism

23 Comments The flares that exhibit departures from the Neupert effect or from soft-hard-soft spectral morphology are the most interesting There is more non-thermal physics in the corona than is evident from the impulsive (CME acceleration) phase alone

24 4. Global waves Thompson et al., Solar Phys. 193, 161, 2000 Hudson et al., submitted 2002

25 Lessons from global waves The Uchida model (weak fast-mode shock, as a blast wave) works well The X-rays show the initiation of the disturbance close to the flare core, and we may learn something fundamental about the restructuring from this

26 5. Extraordinary events April 18, 2001: a major X-class flare two days behind the west limb

27 Lessons from this extraordinary event Tail of electron distribution function (>20 keV) contained >0.2% of the total population Non-thermal particles may be the dominant source of gas pressure in a CME interior (speculation!)

28 Conclusions for FASR - I The FASR spectral domain offers the best chance to track the coronal restructuring responsible for flare/CME energy Clues to the restructuring may come from global waves The FASR frequency agility may be essential for studying the “invisible hand” at work in the restructuring

29 Conclusions for FASR - II The Yohkoh data confirm and extend our view that particle acceleration must be considered as an integral part of the energy release Interpretation of FASR will require modeling the evolution of distribution function and geometry self-consistently The frequency agility will be a key to success

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