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From CIS to CTS We must transform from Conventional Inertial System to Conventional Terrestrial System using siderial time, θ: Rotation Matrix C.C.Tscherning,

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Presentation on theme: "From CIS to CTS We must transform from Conventional Inertial System to Conventional Terrestrial System using siderial time, θ: Rotation Matrix C.C.Tscherning,"— Presentation transcript:

1 From CIS to CTS We must transform from Conventional Inertial System to Conventional Terrestrial System using siderial time, θ: Rotation Matrix C.C.Tscherning,

2 From q-system to CIS 3 rotations. Ri with integer i subscript is rotation about i-axis. Rxu is rotation from u to x. C.C.Tscherning,

3 Elliptic orbit We use spherical coordinates r,λ in (q1,q2)-plane

4 Angular momentum λ is arbitrary := 0 ! C.C.Tscherning,

5 Integration With u=1/r C.C.Tscherning,

6 Integration C.C.Tscherning,

7 If ellipse with center in (0,0)
Ellipse as solution If ellipse with center in (0,0) C.C.Tscherning,

8 Expressed in orbital plane

9 Parameter change C.C.Tscherning,

10 Further substitution C.C.Tscherning,

11 Transformation to CIS C.C.Tscherning,

12 Velocity C.C.Tscherning,

13 From orbital plane to CIS
. C.C.Tscherning,

14 Determination of f . C.C.Tscherning,

15 General equations of motion (Kaula 3.2)I2.1a

16 Change of variables . C.C.Tscherning,

17 Kaula (3.38) . C.C.Tscherning,

18 We take the zero term out:
Force Function We take the zero term out: C.C.Tscherning,

19 Conversion of spherical harmonics (Kaula, 3.3)I2.2a
We want to express the terms in the expansion in Kepler variables: . C.C.Tscherning,

20 Kaula 3.72, 3.73. C.C.Tscherning,

21 Kaula 3.74. C.C.Tscherning,

22 Kaula 3.75. With C20= , e=0.001, a=1.2ae C.C.Tscherning,

23 Orbit with repeating ground track
Applications Orbit with repeating ground track Orbit which gives resonance with specific term(s) Orbit which is sun-syncroneous Orbit which enables close ”encounter” with an object, such as the poles. C.C.Tscherning,

24 Sol-synkron bane Så må vi have: C.C.Tscherning,

25 Geostationær C.C.Tscherning,

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