Collective Additive Tree Spanners of Homogeneously Orderable Graphs

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1 Collective Additive Tree Spanners of Homogeneously Orderable Graphs
F.F. Dragan, C. Yan and Y. Xiang Kent State University, USA

2 Well-known Tree t -Spanner Problem
Given unweighted undirected graph G=(V,E) and integers t,r. Does G admit a spanning tree T =(V,E’) such that (a multiplicative tree t-spanner of G) or (an additive tree r-spanner of G)? G multiplicative tree 4-, additive tree 3-spanner of G T LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

3 Some known results for the tree spanner problem
(mostly multiplicative case) general graphs [CC’95] t  4 is NP-complete. (t=3 is still open, t  2 is P) approximation algorithm for general graphs [EP’04] O(logn) approximation algorithm chordal graphs [BDLL’02] t  4 is NP-complete. (t=3 is still open.) planar graphs [FK’01] t 4 is NP-complete. (t=3 is polynomial time solvable.) easy to construct for some special families of graphs. LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

4 Well-known Sparse t -Spanner Problem
Given unweighted undirected graph G=(V,E) and integers t,m,r. Does G admit a spanning graph H =(V,E’) with |E’|  m s.t. (a multiplicative t-spanner of G) or (an additive r-spanner of G)? H G multiplicative 2- and additive 1-spanner of G LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

5 Some known results for sparse spanner problems
general graphs t, m1 is NP-complete [PS’89] multiplicative (2k-1)-spanner with n1+1/k edges [TZ’01, BS’03] n-vertex chordal graphs (multiplicative case) [PS’89] (G is chordal if it has no chordless cycles of length >3) multiplicative 3-spanner with O(n logn) edges multiplicative 5-spanner with 2n-2 edges n-vertex c-chordal graphs (additive case) [CDY’03, DYL’04] (G is c-chordal if it has no chordless cycles of length >c) additive (c+1)-spanner with 2n-2 edges additive (2 c/2 )-spanner with n log n edges  For chordal graphs: additive 4-spanner with 2n-2 edges, additive 2-spanner with n log n edges LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

6 Collective Additive Tree r -Spanners Problem (a middle way)
Given unweighted undirected graph G=(V,E) and integers , r. Does G admit a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners {T1, T2…, T} such that (a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners of G )? surplus , collective multiplicative tree t-spanners can be defined similarly 2 collective additive tree 2-spanners LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

7 Collective Additive Tree r -Spanners Problem
Given unweighted undirected graph G=(V,E) and integers , r. Does G admit a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners {T1, T2…, T} such that (a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners of G )? , 2 collective additive tree 2-spanners LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

8 Collective Additive Tree r -Spanners Problem
Given unweighted undirected graph G=(V,E) and integers , r. Does G admit a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners {T1, T2…, T} such that (a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners of G )? , 2 collective additive tree 2-spanners LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

9 Collective Additive Tree r -Spanners Problem
Given unweighted undirected graph G=(V,E) and integers , r. Does G admit a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners {T1, T2…, T} such that (a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners of G )? , , 2 collective additive tree 0-spanners or multiplicative tree 1-spanners 2 collective additive tree 2-spanners LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

10 Applications of Collective Tree Spanners representing complicated graph-distances with few tree-distances message routing in networks Efficient routing schemes are known for trees but not for general graphs. For any two nodes, we can route the message between them in one of the trees which approximates the distance between them. - ( log2n/ log log n)-bit labels, - O( ) initiation, O(1) decision solution for sparse t-spanner problem If a graph admits a system of  collective additive tree r-spanners, then the graph admits a sparse additive r-spanner with at most (n-1) edges, where n is the number of nodes. 2 collective tree 2-spanners for G LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

11 Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University
Previous results on the collective tree spanners problem (Dragan, Yan, Lomonosov [SWAT’04]) (Corneil, Dragan, Köhler, Yan [WG’05]) chordal graphs, chordal bipartite graphs log n collective additive tree 2-spanners in polynomial time Ώ(n1/2) or Ώ(n) trees necessary to get +1 no constant number of trees guaranties +2 (+3) circular-arc graphs 2 collective additive tree 2-spanners in polynomial time c-chordal graphs log n collective additive tree 2 c/2 -spanners in polynomial time interval graphs log n collective additive tree 1-spanners in polynomial time no constant number of trees guaranties +1 LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

12 Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University
Previous results on the collective tree spanners problem (Dragan, Yan, Corneil [WG’04]) AT-free graphs include: interval, permutation, trapezoid, co-comparability 2 collective additive tree 2-spanners in linear time an additive tree 3-spanner in linear time (before) graphs with a dominating shortest path an additive tree 4-spanner in polynomial time (before) 2 collective additive tree 3-spanners in polynomial time 5 collective additive tree 2-spanners in polynomial time graphs with asteroidal number an(G)=k k(k-1)/2 collective additive tree 4-spanners in polynomial time k(k-1) collective additive tree 3-spanners in polynomial time LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

13 Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University
Previous results on the collective tree spanners problem (Gupta, Kumar,Rastogi [SICOMP’05]) the only paper (before) on collective multiplicative tree spanners in weighted planar graphs any weighted planar graph admits a system of O(log n) collective multiplicative tree 3-spanners they are called there the tree-covers. it follows from (Corneil, Dragan, Köhler, Yan [WG’05]) that no constant number of trees guaranties +c (for any constant c) LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

14 Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University
Some results on collective additive tree spanners of weighted graphs with bounded parameters (Dragan, Yan [ISAAC’04]) Graph class r planar with genus g W/o an h-vertex minor tw(G) ≤ k-1 cw(G) ≤ k 2w c-chordal next slide to get +0 No constant number of trees guaranties +r for any constant r even for outer-planar graphs to get +1 w is the length of a longest edge in G LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

15 Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University
Some results on collective additive tree spanners of weighted c-chordal graphs (Dragan, Yan [ISAAC’04]) Graph class r c-chordal (c>4) 4-chordal 2w weakly chordal No constant number of trees guaranties +r for any constant r even for weakly chordal graphs LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

16 (This paper) Homogeneously orderable Graphs
A graph G is homogeneously orderable if G has an h-extremal ordering [Brandstädt’95]. Equivalently: A graph G is homogeneously orderable if and only if the graph L(D(G)) of G is chordal and each maximal two-set of G is join-split. L(D(G)) is the intersection graph of D(G). Two-set is a set of vertices at pair-wise distance ≤ 2. join-split LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

17 Hierarchy of Homogeneously Orderable Graphs (HOGs)
LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

18 Our results on Collective additive tree spanners of n-vertex homogeneously orderable graphs
additive stretch factor upper bound on number of trees lower bound on number of trees 3 1 2 LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

19 To get +1 one needs trees additive stretch factor
upper bound on number of trees lower bound on number of trees 3 1 2 trivial square is a clique chordal join-split Take n by n complete bipartite graph n-1 BFS-trees trees LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

20 Our results on Collective additive tree spanners of n-vertex homogeneously orderable graphs
additive stretch factor upper bound on number of trees lower bound on number of trees 3 1 2 LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

21 Layering and Clustering
The projection of each cluster is a two-set. The connected components of projections are two-sets and have a common neighbor down. LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

22 Additive Tree 3-spanner
Linear Time LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

23 Our results on Collective additive tree spanners of n-vertex homogeneously orderable graphs
additive stretch factor upper bound on number of trees lower bound on number of trees 3 1 2 LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

24 Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University
H and H2 HOG Chordal 17 15 17 16 13 14 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 21 20 19 18 22 23 24 25 15 13 16 14 12 25 11 23 1 21 19 3 2 7 8 24 22 20 18 5 4 9 10 6 LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

25 H2 (chordal graph) and its balanced decomposition tree
17 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 15 13 16 14 12 25 11 23 8, 10 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 1 21 19 3 2 7 8 24 22 20 18 5 4 9 10 25 6 LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

26 Constructing Local Spanning Trees for H
For each layer of the decomposition tree, construct local spanning trees of H (shortest path trees in the subgraph). Here, we use the second layer for illustration. 17 15 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 13 16 14 12 25 11 23 8, 10 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 1 21 19 3 2 7 8 24 22 20 18 5 4 9 10 25 6 LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

27 Local Additive Tree 2-spanner
Theorem: must hold LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

28 Our results on Collective additive tree spanners of n-vertex homogeneously orderable graphs
additive stretch factor upper bound on number of trees lower bound on number of trees 3 1 2 One tree cannot give +2 LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

29 No constant number d of trees can guarantee additive stretch factor +2
root gadget clique LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

30 No constant number d of trees can guarantee additive stretch factor +2
Tree of gadgets The depth is a function of d LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

31 Open questions and future plans
Given a graph G=(V, E) and two integers  and r, what is the complexity of finding a system of  collective additive (multiplicative) tree r-spanner for G? (Clearly, for most  and r, it is an NP-complete problem.) Find better trade-offs between  and r for planar graphs, genus g graphs and graphs w/o an h-minor. We may consider some other graph classes. What’s the optimal  for each r? More applications of collective tree spanner… LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

32 Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University
Thank You LATIN 2008, Brazil Feodor F. Dragan, Kent State University

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