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Tilt Sensors & Inclinometers

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Presentation on theme: "Tilt Sensors & Inclinometers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tilt Sensors & Inclinometers
Alex Rust 11/12/02 Alex Rust

2 Background Tilt sensors generate an artificial horizon and measure angular tilt with respect to this horizon. Inclinometers are pre build circuits that include a tilt sensors, signal conditioner, and possibly a processor for data transfer. 11/12/02 Alex Rust

3 Types of Tilt Sensors Accelerometer Capacitive Electrolytic
Gas Bubble in Liquid Mercury Pendulum 11/12/02 Alex Rust

4 Key Specifications 11/12/02 Alex Rust

5 Accelerometer 11/12/02 Alex Rust

6 Electrolytic 11/12/02 Alex Rust

7 Gas Bubble in Liquid 11/12/02 Alex Rust

8 Mercury 11/12/02 Alex Rust

9 Inclinometer 11/12/02 Alex Rust

10 The End Any Questions? 11/12/02 Alex Rust

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