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Creative Strategy You cannot bore people into buying your products. –David Ogilvy You cannot bore people into buying your products. –David Ogilvy.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Strategy You cannot bore people into buying your products. –David Ogilvy You cannot bore people into buying your products. –David Ogilvy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Strategy You cannot bore people into buying your products. –David Ogilvy You cannot bore people into buying your products. –David Ogilvy

2 Creating Original Ideas IronyIrony

3 AnalogyAnalogy

4 Familiar vs. Strange

5 Creating Original Ideas Stunning Images

6 Creating Original Ideas Catchy Phrasing

7 Creating Original Ideas Unexpected twist

8 D’Arcy’s Universal Advertising Standards 1.Does this ad position the product simply and with clarity? 2.Does this ad bolt the brand to a clinching benefit? 3.Does this ad contain a Power Idea? Simple statement without reference to a final execution Attract attention Revolve around clinching benefit Vivid experience 4.Does this ad design in Brand Personality? 5.Is this ad unexpected? 6.Is this ad single-minded? 7.Does this ad reward the prospect? 8.Is this ad visually arresting? 9.Does this ad exhibit painstaking craftsmanship?

9 Developing a Campaign: The Copy Platform/Creative Brief 1Basic problem or issue the advertising must address. 2Advertising and communications objectives. 3Target audience. 4Major selling idea or key benefits to communicate. 5Creative strategy statement (campaign theme, appeal, execution technique). Campaign Theme: central, unifying idea (Just do it; You’re in good hands,…) 6Supporting information and requirements.

10 Successful Long-Run Campaigns Nike Just Just do it Allstate Insurance You’re You’re in good hands with Allstate Hallmark cards When When you care enough to send the very best De Beers Adiamond is forever Intel Intel Intel inside State Farm Insurance Like Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there Timex watches It It takes a licking and keeps on ticking Dial soap Aren’t Aren’t you glad you use Dial?

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