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CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE. DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT  Remain largely agrarian & retain serfdom  Low level of urbanization & industrialization.

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2 DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT  Remain largely agrarian & retain serfdom  Low level of urbanization & industrialization  Limited development of merchant class  No overseas empires  Families remains large, extended, & multigenerational, age of marriage lower

3 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE POLAND  14 th century: Dynastic alliance with Lithuania  Poland becomes superior partner = Republic of Poland  Becomes one of largest, most powerful states in Europe Polish Queen Jadwiga weds Lithuanian Grand Duke Jageillo, unifying in 1385

4 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE POLAND  Structure of Society  Made up of estates – nobility, burghers (townspeople), peasants  Nobility (Szlachta) = 8% of population, had all rights & privileges

5 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE POLAND  Structure of State  Monarch elected by parliament (Sejm)  Each deputy had veto power = LIBERUM VETO  King had no national army, court system or bureaucracy  Led to political chaos & weakness

6 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE OTTOMAN EMPIRE  Muslim Turks controlled large area of Christian Eastern Europe from 15 th c.  Became great power, but began to decline in 18 th c.  But did not interfere with religious or cultural life  Significant impact on development of lands it held

7 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE OTTOMAN EMPIRE  Structure of Society  Divided subjects into MILLETS based on religion  Practiced relative toleration  Muslims = privileged class  Christians subject to DEVSHIRME  Much resentment of Ottoman rule

8 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE OTTOMAN EMPIRE  Structure of State  Similar to feudal system Military leaders gave service to SULTAN Muslims = lords Christians = peasants Local rulers (Pashas) had virtually complete control  Began to decline in 17 th century

9 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE AUSTRIA  Consolidation of State  LEOPOLD I (r. 1657-1705) Established religious conformity Defeated Ottomans & gained Hungarian lands Expanded into Balkans, Italy, & Netherlands

10 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE PRUSSIA  Consolidation of State  Brandenburg unified with Prussia & began to expand  GREAT ELECTOR – Frederick William (r. 1640-1688) began build up of army centralization of power at expense of JUNKERS

11 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE PRUSSIA  Consolidation of State  FREDERICK I (r. 1688-1713) named king in return for supplying troops to Habsburgs continued building army & centralizing army = centerpiece of Prussia state & society

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