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Genetics Review Questions. A. Genetic Crosses 1. a. symbols for the two alleles you have for a trait (AA) b. the way you look because of the alleles you.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics Review Questions. A. Genetic Crosses 1. a. symbols for the two alleles you have for a trait (AA) b. the way you look because of the alleles you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics Review Questions

2 A. Genetic Crosses 1. a. symbols for the two alleles you have for a trait (AA) b. the way you look because of the alleles you have for a trait c. When you have the same 2 alleles for a trait (AA or aa) d. When you have 2 different alleles for a trait (Aa) e. The allele that shows in a heterozygote (ie. A in Aa) f. Only shows when you have both alleles (a in aa) g. The passing of traits from one generation to the next h. A cross for one trait i. A cross for 2 traits j. Square to show the possible genotypes of the offspring of a given cross k. The “flavor” of a gene. Ie. Red allele for hair color gene l. Parent generation, offspring, offspring of the cross of offspring m. heterozygous

3 A. Genetic Crosses 2. Law of independent assortment: Just because you get your mom’s hair color, you won’t necessarily get her ear shape. (This is only true when the genes are on different chromosomes)

4 A. Genetic Crosses 3. a.W is dominant; w is recessive b. WW ww c.White brown d.Punnet square: e.Ww (genotype) White (phenotype) WW wWw w Ww WWWWw w ww f. g. WW = white Ww = white ww= brown h. ¾ = 25% i. ¼ = 75% j. 2 (because ¼ of 8 = 2)

5 A. Genetic Crosses 5. It is homozygous recessive 6. 9:3:3:1 9 show both dominant phenotypes 3 show A and b 3 show a and B 1 shows all recessive

6 B. Meiosis 1. a.1 of each type of chromosome b.2 copies of each chromosome, 1 from mom, 1 from dad c.Sex cells produced by meiosis (1n) d.Sperm (n) and egg (n) join to form a zygote (2n) e.Body cells (2n) f.Two chromosomes with the same genes but different alleles- 1 from mom and 1 from dad g.When parts of homologous chromosomes break off and rejoin to the other homologous chromosome so that the chromosome may have different alleles than before. This increases genetic variation

7 B. Meiosis 2. Somatic (body cells) 3. Gametes (sex cells) 4. Sister chromatids 5. Homologous chromosomes 6. Sister chromatids 7. 2 diploid (2n) 8. 4 haploid (n) 9. Diploid (2n) 10. Crossing over. Increases genetic variation 11. 12 (2n) 6= n 12. True 13. true

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