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Moral Development Piaget Kohlbert Gilligan. What is Moral Development? Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding standards of right and wrong.

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Presentation on theme: "Moral Development Piaget Kohlbert Gilligan. What is Moral Development? Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding standards of right and wrong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moral Development Piaget Kohlbert Gilligan

2 What is Moral Development? Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding standards of right and wrong

3 Moral Development  Piaget’s Ideas  Heteronomous Morality  Egocentrism  Moral realism: objective responsibility and immanent justic  Social relationships  Autonomous Morality  perspective-taking

4 Moral Thought  Kohlberg’s Ideas  Preconventional Reasoning (2 stages)  Conventional Reasoning (2 stages)  Postconventional Reasoning (2 stages?)

5 Moral Development

6 Kohlberg’s Stages l Stage 1: “I don’t want to be punished” l Stage 2: “I want the reward.” l Stage 3: “I want people to like me.” l Stage 4: “I would be breaking the law.” l Stage 5: “I’m obliged not to do it.” l Stage 6: “It’s not right, no matter what others say.”

7 Moral Behavior and Feelings v Does moral reasoning guide moral behavior? v What role do moral feelings, such as altruism, play in moral behavior?

8 Kohlberg’s Critics Carol Gilligan (1982): In a different voice. Women’s moral development.

9 Moral Education  Hidden curriculum: schools and teachers inherently teach values.  Character education: to help learners make informed, responsible choices.  Values clarification: no single, correct answer.  Cognitive moral education: The just community.

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