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Preparing Your Search / Internet NFU. AFL by Nicole Huang Fall semester, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Your Search / Internet NFU. AFL by Nicole Huang Fall semester, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Your Search / Email Internet English @ NFU. AFL by Nicole Huang Fall semester, 2006

2 Types of Search Tools Search Engines : Google, AllthewebGoogleAlltheweb Metasearches : Ixquick http://www.ixquick.com Crawler http://www.crawler.com Directories : Yahoo!! MSN!YahooMSN Portal: offer one stop shopping on the Internet. Yahoo!! (email, chatroom, travel reservations, search info, map ….)

3 Preparing Your Search 1. State What You Want to Find ex: I want to find information on methods of losing weight 2. Identify Keywords ex: I want to find information on methods of losing weight 3. Word Forms (synonyms, alternate spellings..) ex: methods: method, ways, way, techniques 4. Combine Synonyms, Keywords, Variant Word Forms ex: (popular or common or favorite) ; (method* or way* or technique*) ; 5. Check Your Spelling

4 Boolean Operator Boolean AND(+), OR, and AND NOT(-) Internet AND English (retrieve web containing all the keywords) Internet OR English (containing any and all keywords) Internet AND NOT English (containing one keyword but not the other) +Internet -English Phrase Searching “ “ “ Internet English ” (containing those words appear side-by-side ” or both words in the webpage) Where to find Boolean Operator? Alta Vista YahooAlta Vista Yahoo

5 Field Search Title Search :limited results in the webpage title (example of a webpage title: NFU; Dave ’ s Cyber caf é )NFUDave ’ s Cyber caf é (find George Washington and his wife Martha) allintitle: George Washington and Martha (phrase in the title and words President and Martha appear somewhere on the page) allintitle:Nicole Huang URL Search: limits search results in the URL or website address allinurl:halloween storyhalloween allinurl:ESL and listening

6 Hands-on Practice A. Practice your new web search skills (please document your search engine, the keywords you tried in the search box and then write down the answer of each question) 1. What U. S. President was born in a town named Caldwell? 2. Who ’ s the author of the novel," The lovely bones ” ? 3. What is the address of the MIT? 4. Who invented bubble gum? 5. What country had the largest recorded earthquake? Please post your search process and the results you ’ ve found for Practice A on your blog.

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