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The Context Early American Philosophical Ideas. How to Define It American Philosophy = “Philosophy in the British Colonies that became the U.S. from mid.

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Presentation on theme: "The Context Early American Philosophical Ideas. How to Define It American Philosophy = “Philosophy in the British Colonies that became the U.S. from mid."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Context Early American Philosophical Ideas

2 How to Define It American Philosophy = “Philosophy in the British Colonies that became the U.S. from mid 17 th Century to early 19 th Century.”

3 Defining our Field American philosophy is a complex reality, enlivened by historically marginalized but never silenced voices.”- a jazz improvisation. “ American philosophy is a complex reality, enlivened by historically marginalized but never silenced voices.”- a jazz improvisation.

4 Four Central Streams Orthodox Puritanism Natural Philosophy Native American ideas European Philosophy

5 Some Major Aspects Influence of Bacon, Newton and Locke Evolution and process Colonial versus Native American attitude

6 European Sources-1 Francis Bacon (1561-1626)- Novum Organum Empirical-inductive approach to nature. Anti-authority-Idols Power and usefulness of knowledge

7 Sir Issac Newton Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687) & Optics (1704) Natural Philosophy Universal Laws- inductive Refinement over time

8 John Locke (1632-1704) 1690-Essay Concerning Human Understanding Analytic method to human mind. No innate ideas- Blank tablet- filled by experience.

9 Puritan Themes God in control of nature- read as God’s will. Fall of humanity-battle of Good and Evil Predestination

10 Puritan Themes Invisible-Visible church Covenant and Compact Congregationalism Grand History- New Jerusalem-New World

11 Jonathan Edwards Took on Newton & Locke- Dispositional Ontology-Immanence History of Redemption- role of human and of America

12 Jonathan Edwards Fight against evil-need of constant revival Scripture and Nature “American Augustine”

13 Benjamin Franklin “Father of American Philosophy & Science” Accomplishments as Printer, writer, scientist, inventor, social reformer, diplomat, Founding father

14 Benjamin Franklin Identity of Electricity and Lightning- fluid theory of electricity Science & human good- American Philosophical Society

15 Benjamin Franklin Religious thought- Puritan origins, but Deist Moral philosophy-virtue and action in the world. Franklin as a Pragmatist

16 Native Americans Roger Williams- “The Indigenous Attitude”- peaceful coexistence among differing peoples. Cannibals

17 Native Americans Miantonomi- leader of Narragansett- proposed concepts of Wunnégin & Coanáumatous “Sociableness”

18 Native Americans Noelin, Delaware prophet- “Master of Life” vision- different creation stories. Logic of place, land

19 Caldwaller Golden The History of Four Indian Nations- 1727 “Orenda”- song and voice- Haudenosaunce Interaction, pluralism, community and growth.

20 American Themes Rejection modern view Fallibilism Pluralism Radical empiricism Continuity of science & philosophy

21 American Themes Pragmatism and meilorism Centrality of community and the social Others?

22 Central Questions What does it mean to be a self? What constitutes a meaningful life? What epistemological method makes most sense- how know? Information? Wisdom? What type of community is able to respect & honor the vast variety of competing interests and values in America?

23 Relevance to Today Explanation of radical evil- genocide, etc. The nature and value of democracy and the role of civil disobedience. The role of evolutionary thought in philosophy and theology. Race and gender issues-for self, community, politics, and knowledge.

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