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Revenue Generation: Building Social Opportunity Third Sector Innovation: Sustainability and Social Impact August 2007

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Presentation on theme: "Revenue Generation: Building Social Opportunity Third Sector Innovation: Sustainability and Social Impact August 2007"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revenue Generation: Building Social Opportunity Third Sector Innovation: Sustainability and Social Impact August 2007

2 NEW’s mission is to help nonprofits succeed by strengthening nonprofit management and offering solutions to issues facing our nonprofit community. NEW….Helping Nonprofits Succeed NEW’s mission….

3 Three programs deliver mission and generate revenue: BoardConnect NEW Center npServ Generating Revenue

4 BoardConnect Mission Focus: Nonprofit Board Development – provide training, matching and resources for nonprofit boards and candidates Revenue Generation (two streams): Fees for direct service – below cost/affordability Licensing fees – NEW “franchises” a turn-key program outside of it's local service area

5 The NEW Center Mission Focus: Nonprofit Multi-Tenant Facility provides below market rent, visibility, onsite support Revenue Generation: Office space rental fees Conference Room rental Online Conference Room Schedule System

6 npServ Mission Focus: Information technology and administrative services (accounting, human resources, fundraising) - improves operations AND reduces cost Revenue Generation: Fee for direct service; fees to launch for operation by others outside of local service area – volume required to generate profit

7 Nonprofit Need Deep and Lasting Impact Comparative Advantage Focus Sustainability Programming focuses on…

8 Why pursue earned revenue??? Funding Pressure Market Pressure Ideas & Opportunities Lasting Impact NEW is in a position to make a much greater impact on the nonprofit sector NEW needs a framework to assess great ideas NEW needs solutions that respond to current needs NEW needs to find a new funding strategy vision business model NEW needs a vision and a business model that fit today’s nonprofit environment

9 Why Social Enterprise? Financial independence Financial security  Competition  Economic environment  Our mission More flexibility to pursue innovation

10 Challenges of Social Enterprise Adopting “for profit” behaviors – but not completely  Competition v. Collaboration  Protecting Intellectual Property Raising “venture capital” Balancing tension between profit and mission Changing culture Managing growth


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