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Pace University Assessment Plan. Outline I. What is assessment? II. How does it apply to Pace? III. Who’s involved? IV. How will assessment be implemented.

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Presentation on theme: "Pace University Assessment Plan. Outline I. What is assessment? II. How does it apply to Pace? III. Who’s involved? IV. How will assessment be implemented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pace University Assessment Plan

2 Outline I. What is assessment? II. How does it apply to Pace? III. Who’s involved? IV. How will assessment be implemented ?

3 Outline I. What is assessment? II. How does it apply to Pace? III. Who’s involved? IV. How will assessment be implemented ?

4 Assessment and Assessment Planning Strategic plans – broad goals and measurable objectives or outcomes Assessment based on goals and objectives – To improve student learning and development Continuous improvement of campus operations Assessment Planning – dynamic, responsive process

5 A Definition “The systematic collection, review and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development.” (Marchese,T.J., AAHE Bulletin, 1987)

6 Assessment and Accreditation An accredited institution is characterized by the: “linkage of outcomes assessment to the institution’s ongoing planning and resource allocation process and to strategic efforts to improve institutional quality.” Middle States Association, Characteristics of Excellence (2002)

7 Assessment vs. Evaluation Aggregate Developmental Program Improvement Feedback Formative Internal Individual Evaluative Individual reward Accomplishment Conclusive External

8 Outline I. What is assessment? II. How does it apply to Pace? III. Who’s involved? IV. How will assessment be implemented ?

9 The Pace Mission Statement Presents – the University’s fundamental values goals and objectives to be assessed Opportunitas Best possible private education - excellence Diverse, talented student body Self-evaluation, student growth, civic engagement International emphasis Incorporate technology

10 The Pace University-wide Assessment Committee Develop University-wide assessment plan Support schools and other units in implementing assessment Establish an assessment culture to improve institutional effectiveness

11 Assessment Plan Procedures The Office of Planning, Assessment, Research and Academic Budgeting on behalf of the Provost – Oversight Repository Support and Guidance Funding Source Dissemination

12 Outline I. What is assessment? II. How does it apply to Pace? III. Who’s involved? IV. How will assessment be implemented?

13 Who’s involved in Assessment? Assessment benefits from collaboration among – Faculty Administrators – schools/college and other units Current students and alumni/ae Academic & administrative support staff Employers

14 Faculty – Primary Role Determine scope of assessment program Develop working definition of assessment for their program(s) Write goals and measurable objectives Select or develop « instruments » for assessing student learning outcomes Administer instruments – gather data Evaluate findings Design and implement action plans

15 Administrators – Schools and Other Units Encourage development of assessment plans in their units Support assessment activities Collaborate in its implementation Institutionalize the use of assessment results for improvement of schools and units Relate assessment to institutional effectiveness Participate in ongoing evaluation and improvement of the assessment program

16 Students and Alumni/ae Get Involved - assessment done for you and with you, not to you Know what is expected of you in the assessment process Respond to surveys Initiate assessment of student activities Work with Alumni Association and other alumni/ae groups in designing and implementing the assessment program

17 Academic and Administrative Support Staff Create consensus on major goals and objectives Establish links to Mission Statement and Strategic Plan Identify major constituencies Identify assessment methods Interpret results Use information for improvement

18 Employers Feedback on student skills, abilities and attitudes Reports on co-op and internship experiences Provides basis for internal review of curriculum Develop liaison relationships with schools, the College and units

19 Outline I. What is assessment? II. How does it apply to Pace? III. Who’s involved? IV. How will assessment be implemented?

20 Timeline Initial plans submitted September 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. Plans reviewed by University Assessment Committee on behalf of Provost Feedback and assistance Establishing ongoing assessment loop

21 What should be assessed? Academic Departments Student Learning Outcomes – Core, Undergraduate Majors, Graduate Programs Academic Support Units Administrative Support Units Institutional Effectiveness

22 Help and Assistance University Assessment Committee Office of Planning, Assessment, Research and Academic Budgeting

23 Workshops Getting Started With Assessment Learning Goals, Outcomes and Assessment Tools Classroom Assessment Techniques Mapping the Curriculum Creating Rubrics as a Tool E-Portfolios as an Assessment Tool NSSE and Its Implications for Teaching and Learning

24 Conclusion Assessment not new to Pace Differentiated between assessment and evaluation University wide – all entities Faculty central for academic areas University Community collaboration Outcome: higher quality experience for our students That’s why we’re here

25 Outcome: higher quality experience for our students That’s why we’re here

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