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Capacity Enhancement for Air Quality Management John E. Hay Senior Advisor UNEP ROAP & IETC.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity Enhancement for Air Quality Management John E. Hay Senior Advisor UNEP ROAP & IETC."— Presentation transcript:


2 Capacity Enhancement for Air Quality Management John E. Hay Senior Advisor UNEP ROAP & IETC

3 Sustainable Ecosystems Evolution of Approaches to Managing Urban Air Quality 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Problem Identification Problem “Fixing” Problem Solving Problem Prevention ? 2000s Changing Requirements For Air Quality Management 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Problem Identification Problem “Fixing” Problem Solving Problem Prevention ? 2000s

4 Strategies for AQ Management Land use (zoning) approach Regulate emissions from point sources Regulate emissions to achieve ambient AQ targets Regulate emissions to avoid unacceptable impacts on the environment, including humans

5 Air Quality Management as: discrete measures or actions (e.g. –emission controls –fuel substitution –inspection and maintenance –establishing standards –raising awareness) an evolving, dynamic, integrated process the capacity to manage the air quality

6 Knowledge, Methods, and Tools (e.g. monitoring, dispersion modelling, emission inventories) Implementation of AQ management plans The Air Quality Management Process Training and Awareness Raising for assessing AQ and implementing policies and plans Evaluation and Monitoring Feedback to other components Assessments of AQ (e.g. comparing ambient AQ with guidelines) “Mainstreaming” AQ Management into environmental policies, planning & decision-making

7 Broader Dimensions of Capacity Economic wealth Technology Information and skills Infrastructure Institutions and Institutional Systems Equity

8 Capacity Enhancement Alternative, but not identical terms: Capacity Building Capability Enhancement

9 The Pressure-State-Response Model

10 Components of an AQ Management Plan

11 1. Methods and Tools Examples: Access to: Ambient and emissions monitoring equipment Inventory methodologies Atmospheric dispersion models and input data Information for setting standards/guidelines Information for selecting performance indicators

12 2. Building Knowledge and Understanding Examples: Strengthened ability to undertake: Technical assessments –Airshed “carrying capacity” –Guideline exceedances –Photochemical smog potential Reviews of best practices Assessments of air pollution technologies –Prevention –Control

13 3. Development of Policies and Plans Examples: Strengthened ability to: Assess policy options Ensure stakeholder communication & participation Select most effective policy option Assess effectiveness of implemented policies


15 4. Mainstreaming AQ Management Examples: Strengthened: Mandate to manage air quality Institutional support Political support Integration of AQ regulations in national environmental and development plans

16 5. Implementation Examples: Strengthened capabilities regarding: Funding of implementation costs Expertise to support implementation Communication, empowerment & participation of stakeholders Compliance and enforcement –Monitoring –Reporting –Prosecuting

17 6. Monitoring and Evaluating Effectiveness of the AQ Management Plans and Policies Examples: Increased capability to: Establish performance criteria and suitable indicators Monitor performance of plans and policies Assess performance Recommend responses that remedy failures and build on successes

18 7. Multi-partner Approaches Examples: Increased capability to: Identify partners and stakeholders –Government (local, central) –Private sector –Civil society –Regional and international organisations –Financiers/Donors Resolve potential conflicts Harmonise approaches, achieving “economies of scale”

19 Challenges in Air Quality Management Examples: Prevention vs control Minimization of waste vs emission of waste Internalizing environmental costs Cumulative impacts – spatial and temporal Recognition of interdependencies Central vs local management

20 Approaches Improved capacity to maintain or enhance air quality in ways that are sustainable and: –responsive to identified needs and values –integrated, strategic and comprehensive –assured of achieving the desired results –supportive of related policies (e.g. appropriate economic and social development) –innovative, but consistent with traditional indigenous practices –cost effective and add value to other initiatives –encourage complementary activities

21 Conclusions….. AQ management: –Is an evolving, dynamic and integrated process –Faces diverse challenges including inadequate capacity to manage effectively –Approaches need to be sustainable, integrated, strategic and comprehensive Capacity enhancement is more than “capacity building” Growing number of tools, methodologies and capacity enhancement activities Must ensure they address the needs and capabilities of the target groups


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