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Planning Session January 26 th, 2006 Steve Debbie Entire Website

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1 Planning Session January 26 th, 2006 Steve Debbie Entire Website

2 Program overview 10 weeks: January 29 th (Sunday) through April 8 th 2 components: – National Competition MIT versus 92 other schools – MIT Dorm Competition 17 single dorms 2 family dorms History: – EPA-Sponsored program in it’s 6 th and biggest year. – MIT is entering for 2 nd year. – Last year we placed 10 th out of 34 schools- now there are 92!! – Harvard and Tufts beat us last year, but just barely!!

3 What we’re measuring Dorm recycling: – Lbs. recycled materials per capita Commingles (bottles, cans, plastic, etc.) Mixed paper Cardboard – Lbs. trash per capita Used to calculate Waste Minimzation (lbs trash) + (lb recycled)/ (population)

4 Incentives National competition: – Trophies awarded to highest recycling rate (Per Capita Classic) and lowest waste total (Waste Minimization) – The joy of out-competing our neighbors down the road. Dorm competition: – $200 prizes given to highest recycling rate for single and family dorms

5 The Role of the Recyclemaniac Acts as point contact for emails and help from recyclemania-team Updates poster weekly Works with House Manager to resolve/improve recycling issues in the dorm Gives feedback to recyclemania-team on successes/failures/need for help Can organize events to promote participation and enthusiasm (optional)

6 The Role of the Recyclemaniac Specific tasks (given to willing volunteers): TaskTime Commitment Point of contact for your dorm10 min/wk Number crunching30 min/wk Weekly outgoing emails30 min/wk Mid-program event2hr planning? Dorm-specific events?? Ad design/trophy design?? Campaigning on campus??

7 Why Recycling@MIT? Why focus on dorms? They produce 20% of waste on campus! Recycling reduces GHG emissions, air and water pollution Recycling saves $100,000/yr at MIT Recycling raises environmental awareness at the individual level Recyclemania gives you an excuse to socialize with dorm-mates and other greenfolk on campus!

8 Comments and Questions? Any past recyclemaniacs present? Do you have advice or feedback on how it went? What would you like to do? What do you think would work? What can we help you with? What are we up against?

9 What are we up against??

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