Federal, state and local government entities working together to meet the health, welfare and public safety needs of Wyoming’s citizens. January 11, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal, state and local government entities working together to meet the health, welfare and public safety needs of Wyoming’s citizens. January 11, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal, state and local government entities working together to meet the health, welfare and public safety needs of Wyoming’s citizens. January 11, 2011 1 Rob Tompkins Office of State Lands & Investments rtompk@wyo.gov 307-777-6646

2 Grants and Loans Program  Mineral Royalty Grants (MRG)  Joint Powers Act Loans (JPA)  Clean Water Revolving Fund Loans (CWSRF)  Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loans (DWSRF)  Transportation Enterprise Grants (TEA) OFFICE OF STATE LANDS AND INVESTMENTS 2

3 The Office of State Lands and Investments Grants and Loans Program staff are responsible for the administration and coordination of grants and loans to Wyoming cities, towns, counties, special districts and joint powers boards awarded by the State Loan and Investment Board. 3

4 Pursuant to W.S. 9-4-604 the MRG program awards grants to:  Alleviate an emergency situation which poses a direct and immediate threat to public health, safety or welfare or  To comply with federal or state mandates or  To provide an essential public service 4

5  Mineral Royalty Grant Funds available after June 2010 State Loan and Investment Board Meeting: $24,435,025  The Board shall award approximately eighty-seven and one half percent (87.5%) of the available funds for grants that do not exceed fifty percent (50%) of eligible project costs  The Board shall award approximately twelve and one half percent (12.5%) of the available funds for grants that are over fifty percent (50%) but do not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of eligible project costs. In the event the Board does not award all of the designated 75% grant funds available at any grant meeting, those funds will be carried forward to the next grant meeting. In the event that the Board has not awarded all of the 75% grant funds by the end of the biennial appropriation period the remaining funds will revert to the 50% grant fund.  Funding will be awarded at the next three (3) semi-annual grant and loan meetings in January and June of each year.  Application due dates: Board Date Application Due Date June 16, 2011 February 17, 2011 January 19, 2012September 15, 2011 5

6 Given the Significant drop in funding for local government entities for capital infrastructure projects in the 2011/2012 biennium, local government entities must continue efforts to leverage matching funds from an array of potential sources such as:  Mineral Royalty Grants  Joint Powers Act Loans  Clean Water State Revolving Funds  Drinking Water State Revolving Fund  Wyoming Water Development  USDA – Rural Development  Wyoming Business Council  Wyoming Department of Transportation 6

7 Statutory authority for the Joint Powers Act Loan program: W.S. 16-1-109 Eligible applicants are Wyoming counties, municipal corporations, school districts, community college districts, the Joint Business Council of the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Indian tribes, the Business Council of the Eastern Shoshone Indian tribe, the Business Council of the Northern Arapaho Indian tribe, special districts, the University of Wyoming, and joint powers boards 7

8 The State Loan & Investment Board (SLIB) can only award Joint Powers Act Loans for facilities that generate revenue and the revenue must be sufficient to service the debt and represent a prudent use of state funds. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:  Tipping (i.e. dumping) fees at landfills  Dorm room charges at colleges  Property tax assessments  Hospital Revenues  Lease/Rental Income  User Fees  Tap Fees Key Features of the JPA Loan Program 8

9  Funding Available: $42,385,786  Long loan terms, up to 40 years  Fixed rate loans, 2011 interest rate at 4.98%. Interest rate established annually in January by the State Treasurer’s office  Loan origination fee does not apply until applicant needs the money  No penalty for not using full loan amount as may be the case with private sector loans JPA Loan Program 9

10 SRF LOAN PROGRAMS The Wyoming CWSRF and DWSRF programs provide assistance to Wyoming residents through local governmental entities. The purpose of the programs is to provide loans at or below market interest rates to qualified applicants for design and construction  Project must be on the current Intended Use Plan (IUP)  Available funding:  DWSRF $44,000,000  CWSRF $57,000,000  Fixed interest rate currently 2.5%  Loan term not to exceed 20 years  Loan origination fees:  DWSRF - ½%  CWSRF – none  In the process of rulemaking for the special program incentives included in the Federal FY 2010 grant:  Green project reserve  Additional Subsidization 10

11 Green Project Reserve  20% of Wyoming’s FFY 2010 capitalization grants for CWSRF and DWSRF must be used for “Green Reserve” projects CWSRF $2,000,400 DWSRF $2,714,600  Project types eligible for Green Reserve Funding: Projects with water efficiency components Projects with energy efficiency components Green stormwater infrastructure projects Environmentally innovative projects 11

12 Principal Forgiveness  CWSRF At least $1,497,982 but not more than $4,993,274 in principal forgiveness for the FFY 2010 Cap Grant  DWSRF At least $4,071,900 in principal forgiveness for the FFY 2010 Cap Grant 12

13 Examples of ARRA Funded Projects:  90 Kw photovoltaic cells at a 212 Treatment Works Plant to promote energy efficiency  Irrigation reuse as a water conservation measure at a 212 Treatment Works Plant  Wind Turbines at a 212 Treatment Works Plant to promote energy efficiency 13

14 Examples of ARRA Funded Projects:  New water meters where none have previously existed  Variable frequency drives on water well pumps  Photovoltaic panels on wellhouses to promote energy efficiency  Wind turbines to power pumps at water wells  Replacement water meters if meters are extremely old and inoperable [Established by Business Case] 14

15 Examples of ARRA Funded Projects  Sewer line replacement projects  Sewer line lining projects  A landfill expansion project  Lagoon system upgrades 15

16 Examples of ARRA funded projects  Water line replacement projects  Water storage tank projects  Water meter replacement projects - For those projects for which a “green project” business case cannot be made 16

17 17 SRF Flow Diagram Notify State Revolving Fund Program of Proposed Project Project must be on Intended Use Plan; Department of Environmental Quality Environmental Review Process; Department of Environmental Quality Dedicate Repayment Source; Office of State Lands & Investments Loan Application; Office of State Lands & Investments Loan Approval; State Loan & Investment Board Plans, specifications, and construct documents review; Department of Environmental Quality Open bids, submit information for approval if drinking water loan; Water Development Office Construct Submit Loan Draft Requests; Office of State Lands & Investments Submit Certificate of Substantial Completion; Office of State Lands & Investments


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