Building ASP.NET Applications 2 Lecture 3,4 T. Ahlam Algharasi 4 th Level.

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1 Building ASP.NET Applications 2 Lecture 3,4 T. Ahlam Algharasi 4 th Level

2 GridView Control Custom Formatting with TemplateField 05.2 T.Ahlam Algharasi

3 GridView Control 1. Bind Data from a table to Gridview Control. 2. Delete all selected fields from Fields Dialog. 3. Add Template Field to the Gridview control 3 T.Ahlam Algharasi

4 GridView Control 4. Edit Template > item Template 5. Design the layout 4 T.Ahlam Algharasi

5 GridView Control 6. Bind data to controls To bind date to Label control 5 Eval(“FieldName”) Ex : Eval(“title”) T.Ahlam Algharasi

6 GridView Control To bind date to image control use ImageUrl properties To bind date to hyperlink control use NavigateUrl properties To link to an image To link to a page (and sending record id via url) 6 “Foldername/” & Eval(“FieldName”) Ex : “product/” & Eval(“Image”) “Foldername/” & Eval(“FieldName”) Ex : “product/” & Eval(“Image”) “Pagename?no=” & Eval(“Id_field”) Ex : “details.aspx?no=” & Eval(“ID”) T.Ahlam Algharasi

7 GridView Control GridView Template Editing HeaderTemplate 7 T.Ahlam Algharasi

8 Demo Example 1 Master-Details using GridView control (Separate Pages) 8 product.aspx details.aspx When a user click on “more” the details of the selected record will open on details page

9 Demo product.aspx In product.aspx page Bind Data to the Gridview Control Add A hyperlinkField Set DataNavigateUrlFields, DataNavigateUrlFormate properties 9 T.Ahlam Algharasi

10 Demo details.aspx In details.aspx page 1.Configure the Data Source and add where clause 10 Then Click Add T.Ahlam Algharasi

11 Demo details.aspx In details.aspx page 2. Design a specific template 11 T.Ahlam Algharasi

12 DetailsView Control Displays the contents as a single record at a time. It can insert, update and delete the record also. 12 T.Ahlam Algharasi

13 DetailsView Control Master/Detail ( GridView and DetailsView) Ex1 : Display records from two tables 13 Book category Table Book category Table Book Details Table Book Details Table T.Ahlam Algharasi

14 DetailsView Control 1. Bind Data from Category table to Gridview Control 2. Bind Data from Book table to DetailsView Control and specifies where clause 14 T.Ahlam Algharasi

15 DetailsView Control Master/Detail ( GridView and DetailsView) Ex2 : Display records from one table 15 Book Details Table Book Details Table Record Detail T.Ahlam Algharasi

16 DetailsView Control 1. Bind Data from Book table to Gridview Control 2. Bind Data from Book table to DetailsView Control and specifies where clause 16 T.Ahlam Algharasi

17 DetailsView Control Master-Details GridView and DetailsView (Separate Pages) 17 details.aspx product.aspx T.Ahlam Algharasi

18 DetailsView Control In product.aspx Page Add A HyperLinkField Set DataNavigateUrlFields, DataNavigateUrlFormate properties 18 T.Ahlam Algharasi

19 DetailsView Control In details.aspx Page 19 T.Ahlam Algharasi

20 DataList Control Displays fields from a data source within table cell which can be repeated horizontally across the page or vertically down the page. The content and layout of list items in DataList is defined using templates. 20 T.Ahlam Algharasi

21 DataList Control One of the main advantage of DataList control is it supports directional rendering (Horizontal/Vertical) 21 Horizontal Vertical T.Ahlam Algharasi

22 DataList Control 22 DescriptionProperties horizontally or vertically RepeatDirection number of "columns" RepeatColumns DescriptionTemplate Name Template to define how separator between items SeparatorTemplate determines the content and layout of the list header. HeaderTemplate determines the content and layout of the list footer. FooterTemplate T.Ahlam Algharasi

23 Demo Example In The First page Display the category with Datalist Control 23 T.Ahlam Algharasi

24 Demo In The Second page Display the books with Gridview Control 24 T.Ahlam Algharasi

25 Demo In The Second page To Bind Data from data source depending on value of category id do the following 25 By Catid to display all product of thee selected category T.Ahlam Algharasi

26 Demo In The Second page Design a specific template 26 T.Ahlam Algharasi

27 Form view Control FormView control Displays the values of a single record from a data sourse using user-defined templates Allows you to edit, delete, and insert record. You can also add validation controls while inserting or updating 27 T.Ahlam Algharasi

28 Form view Control Templates of the FormView Control EditItemTemplate The template that is used when a record is being edited. InsertItemTemplate The template that is used when a record is being created. ItemTemplate The template that is used to render the record to display only. Note: The major difference between DetailsView and FormView is, here user need to define the rendering template for each item. 28 T.Ahlam Algharasi

29 Difference between ASP.NET Data Controls 29 Multiple Item Display GridView T.Ahlam Algharasi

30 Difference between ASP.NET Data Controls 30 Multiple Item Display DataList T.Ahlam Algharasi

31 Difference between ASP.NET Data Controls Single Item Display DetailsView 31 T.Ahlam Algharasi

32 Difference between ASP.NET Data Controls 32 Single Item Display FormView T.Ahlam Algharasi

33 Security is one of the most important component of any application. Security

34 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Authentication is a process of determining how you will verify a client’s identity when the client requests a page. Authorization is the process of determining which clients have access to the resources within the web application or current directory. 34 T.Ahlam Algharasi

35 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Requesting a web page that requires authentication 35 T.Ahlam Algharasi

36 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Authentication is implemented through one of four possible authentication systems: Windows authentication Forms authentication Passport authentication No authentication 36 T.Ahlam Algharasi

37 Using Authentication in ASP.NET 1. Windows Authentication The Windows authentication allows us to use the windows user accounts. Windows authentication in ASP.NET actually relies on IIS to do the authentication. IIS can be configured so that only users on a Windows domain can log in. If a user attempts to access a page and is not authenticated, they'll be shown a dialog box asking them to enter their username and password. 37 T.Ahlam Algharasi

38 Using Authentication in ASP.NET 2. Passport Authentication Passport Authentication provider uses Microsoft's Passport service to authenticate users. You need to purchase this service in order to use it. 38 T.Ahlam Algharasi

39 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Form Authentication Forms Authentication uses HTML forms to collect the user information and than it takes required actions on those HTML collected values. The advantage of using this type of authentication It allows you to decide how to store user information. (storing username and password in the Web.Config file, an XML file, or a database table.) 39 T.Ahlam Algharasi

40 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Enabling Form Authentication To enable basic Forms authentication for an application, the follow three steps are to be followed: Set the authentication mode for the application by modifying the authentication ­section in the application root Web.Config file. Deny access to anonymous users in one or more directories in the application by modifying the authorization section in the Web.Config files in the appropriate directories. Create a login page containing a form that enables users to enter their usernames and passwords. 40 T.Ahlam Algharasi

41 Using Authentication in ASP.NET To perform Form Authentication Secure pages in a separate subfolder Create a web.config file inside the subfolder 41 Create web configuration file in the folder you want to secure it Create web configuration file in the root directory. T.Ahlam Algharasi

42 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Web.Config File Web.config file (Web configuration file) it keeps the configurations required for the web application. There are number of important settings that can be stored in the configuration file. Database connections Session States Error Handling Security 42 T.Ahlam Algharasi

43 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Forms Authentication Configuration 1. Configure Forms Authentication in Web.Config. 43 <forms loginUrl="~/login.aspx“ defaultUrl="~/adminpages/welcome.aspx” /> T.Ahlam Algharasi

44 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Forms Authentication Configuration 44 Description Property Indicates the URL that users are redirected to after signing in from the login page if there is no RedirectUrl value the default value is default.aspx. defaultUrl The URL of the login page. The default value is login.aspx. loginUrl T.Ahlam Algharasi

45 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Authorization Configuration Configure Authorization in Web.Config (Subfolder). Use an element to ensure that only authenticated users can access secure pages. 45 T.Ahlam Algharasi

46 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Permissible elements for authorization are Allow Deny. Each allow or deny element must contain a users attribute. 46 DescriptionUserName All users * Anonymous (unauthenticated) users ? T.Ahlam Algharasi

47 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Creating the Login Page The ASP.NET login controls provide a robust login solution for ASP.NET Web applications without requiring programming. By default, login controls integrate with ASP.NET forms authentication to help automate user authentication for a Web site. 47 T.Ahlam Algharasi

48 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Login Page Control properties 48 DescriptionProperty Indicates the text to be displayed in the heading of the control. TitleText Indicates the label text of the username text box. UserNameLabelText Indicates the label text of the password text box. PasswordLabelText Indicates the text that is displayed after failure of login attempt. FailureText Indicates the initial value in the username text box. UserName Indicates the text of the Login button. LoginButtonText true/false. Indicates whether to show Remember Me checkbox or not. DisplayRememberMe T.Ahlam Algharasi

49 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Login Page Control Styles 49 DescriptionProperty Indicates the style property of the Remember Me checkbox. CheckBoxStyle Indicates the style property of the failure text. FailureStyle Indicates the style property of the title text. TitleTextStyle Indicates the style property of the Login button. LoginButtonStyle Indicates the style property of the TextBox. TextBoxStyle Indicates the style property of the labels of text box. LabelStyle T.Ahlam Algharasi

50 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Login code 50 T.Ahlam Algharasi

51 Using Authentication in ASP.NET Login code 51 T.Ahlam Algharasi

52 Using Authentication in ASP.NET RedirectFromLoginPage(). Method It is called after a successful Forms Authentication login to redirect to the URL in the DefaultUrl property which is in the Web.config file.DefaultUrl If the second parameter is true it creates an authentication cookie, otherwise it doesn’t create a cookie 52 <forms loginUrl="~/login.aspx“ defaultUrl="~/adminpages/welcome.aspx" />

53 Using Authentication in ASP.NET RemeberMeSet if "Remember Me" is checked, it stores the UserName in a cookie. if the "Remember Me" CheckBox is UNchecked, it will *delete* the cookie that remembers the UserName. 53 T.Ahlam Algharasi

54 Questions

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