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LCT2506 Internet 2 Further SQL Stored Procedures.

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1 LCT2506 Internet 2 Further SQL Stored Procedures

2 LCT2506 Internet 2 Topics  Good practice in complex apps  Complex queries  Stored Procedures

3 LCT2506 Internet 2 Normalization  The idea that a row of a table should refer to a single entity –Bad to have multiple phone numbers in a single table  Leads to more efficient searching and smaller databases  Means you often need information from more than one table /adamisherwood /normalization

4 LCT2506 Internet 2 Combining table contents  Example: Shopping Cart –Record item id, quantity, user id  If you want to display product details when showing cart contents, need more data  Accomplish using a JOIN as part of SELECT

5 LCT2506 Internet 2 Example using WHERE clause SELECT product.Name, product.price, basket.quantity FROM product, basket WHERE basket.prodId = product.prodId AND basket.userId = ‘adam’

6 LCT2506 Internet 2 Example using INNER JOIN SELECT product.Name, product.Price, basket.quantity FROM basket INNER JOIN product ON prodId = prodId WHERE basket.userId = ‘adam’

7 LCT2506 Internet 2 Query Builder  Within Visual Studio complex SELECT queries can be built using Query Builder  Can build a static version and then plug in variables as needed.  MS products tend to use the INNER JOIN syntax

8 LCT2506 Internet 2 Performance tips  Use the ORDER BY clause for sorting select * from products ORDER BY cost;  Can calculate query results select top 6 id from users where id > 7  Other functions include count, max, sum

9 LCT2506 Internet 2 SQL Injection

10 LCT2506 Internet 2 What is SQL Injection?  A security exploit for the database layer of applications  Present when unfiltered user input passed directly to database  At best: cause application error  At worst: allow hostile attacker to discover private information and compromise your server

11 LCT2506 Internet 2 Match any  Rather than filter the table contents this query will select all rows  If the user types –anything’ OR ‘x’=‘x  Essentially a match any query

12 LCT2506 Internet 2 Not just read-only  Can alter contents…

13 LCT2506 Internet 2 Prevention  Use database permissions to restrict access rights (esp DROP)  Parse user inputs to remove ‘ characters  Avoid building SQL on the fly!  Use prepared queries or stored procedures instead

14 LCT2506 Internet 2 Stored Procedures

15 LCT2506 Internet 2 What is a stored procedure  A feature of MS SQL Server  Allows database to pre-compile SQL queries  When data added in place of variables, execution is very fast

16 LCT2506 Internet 2 Benefits  Performance: stored code is pre-computed, real savings if re-used  Reduced network traffic: only limited info passed between web and db servers  Efficient code reuse  Multiple programs can use same proc  Enhanced security: defeats SQL Injection

17 LCT2506 Internet 2 Simple Example

18 LCT2506 Internet 2 Multiple Queries

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