U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2 Agenda Background & Motivation Deliverables Principle of Operation System Block Diagram Design Alternatives Proposed MDR Specifications Summary

3 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Background ~60 Amateur rocket hobbyists from 15 countries 27 foot tall rocket Max velocity ~mach 5.2 (3440 mph) Max altitude >100km (100km = “space”) Powered with sucrose fuel (sugar) Low budget volunteer program Our design project A sensor control system, providing data to flight control system Resilient to power problems Providing data even in the event of sensing element failure

4 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Motivation

5 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Deliverables –Gerber plot files –Schematic –Documented source code –Hardware prototypes (not flight qualified) User manual –Program the flight plan –Edit config file –Installation verification Acceptability Tests - Test broad temperature range - Simulate bad sensor readings - Power disturbance

6 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Principle of Operation Power Buffering Premature to design this component now Specifications based on operating times after power failure Sensors may have different power profiles Final output requires long duration of power supply Computational Persistence Approximation Algorithm Validity Checking Algorithm Persistent Output Inputs to algorithms: Multiple sensors Pre-programmed flight plan Flight history

7 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Computational Persistence – Approximation Algorithm Algorithm design – Laws of Physics – Flight history – Flight plan Output – Expected sensor values – Crude uncertainty measure

8 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Computational Persistence –Crosschecking Algorithm Algorithm design –Multiple sensor values –Compare data from sensors of same type –Compare data from sensors of other types –Compare data to Expected Value from approximator Output –Single most probable data for each sensor type –Crude uncertainty measure

9 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Computational Persistence –Persistent Output Design –Arbitrates data from Approximator and Crosschecker –Power buffered to sustain output for length of flight Output –Single set of data for each sensor type –Data is provided to flight computer –Data is also stored in Flight History »History stores uncertainty values with data

10 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

11 Design Alternatives

12 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering For MDR: - Purchased and Tested Sensors - Simulate and Verify approx Algorithm (Proof of Concept) - Estimated Resources (Power, Mass, Volume, Memory etc) - Purchased Microprocessors - Power Buffer design idea and possibly simulate

13 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS, A MHERST Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Summary

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