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CS 225 Section 1 Spring 2009. Topics Software design Correctness and Efficiency Inheritance Data structures –Lists, Stacks, Queues –Trees –Sets, Maps.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 225 Section 1 Spring 2009. Topics Software design Correctness and Efficiency Inheritance Data structures –Lists, Stacks, Queues –Trees –Sets, Maps."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 225 Section 1 Spring 2009

2 Topics Software design Correctness and Efficiency Inheritance Data structures –Lists, Stacks, Queues –Trees –Sets, Maps Recursion Sorting

3 Java Applications A java application consists of one or more classes –Each class is in a separate file –Use the main class to start the application

4 What you should know Basic Syntax –structure of a class –structure of a method –control structures if-else switch loops –visibility modifiers You should be able to –use both primitive and object types –define object types –write methods –use control structures –use arrays –handle exceptions

5 Java API Java comes with an extensive collection of classes that are already written –Look at the documentation for these classes online /usr/local/java/docs/api/index.html Use a class from the Java library by importing it import java.packageName.ClassName;

6 Development Environments Command line –gvim/emacs –javac –java Integrated Development Environment –provides access to all the tools from a single interface –Eclipse (3.3.2)

7 Eclipse A development environment for Java –written in Java Open source – Extendible –Plug-ins can be added to support new functionality

8 Eclipse Workbench Provides the basic graphical interface Divided up into views –Navigator shows all projects –Editor has panes for all open files Views are organized into perspectives –a perspective contains a set of views that are needed for a particular task Java perspective, debug perspective, …

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