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Audit Field Standards: Audit of Inventory

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1 Audit Field Standards: Audit of Inventory
Session 11

2 Learning Objectives Understanding Audit Field Standards of Audit of Inventory Understanding Internal Control of Inventory Understanding Audit Objectives of Inventory Being able to design Audit Procedures of Inventory Understanding of Documents (evidence) to support the records of Inventory Audit Evidence of Purchasing and Inventory Confirmation about Inventory Some Frauds involving Inventory Examples of Audit Findings of Inventory

3 SPAP – SA Seksi 331 SA 331 – 03 sd 07 – Pengamatan thd Penghitungan Fisik Sediaan SA 331 – 08 – Sediaan yang berada di Gudang Umum (Tugas: Mahasiswa membuat resume dan mempresentasikannya dengan beberapa kemungkinan penyimpangan yang mungkin terjadi)

4 The Internal Control Objectives of Inventory
Inventory purchased are needed Inventory is stored safely in good storage/ warehouse (warehouse is physically good) Inventory is prevented from theft (warehouse is a closed area for unauthorized persons) and breaking down Inventory is stacked manageably and easy to be taken out. Inventory is maintained in a sufficient balance. Inventory is classified accordingly

5 Activities Need to be Examined
Requesting of purchase activity Receiving activity (The way of receive) Moving out activity Storing/stacking activity Packing activity

6 Audit Procedures of Inventory
are the steps to be done sequentially to achieve the audit objectives

7 Audit Objectives of Inventory
Transaction Audit Objectives Occurrence Completeness Accuracy Cut off Classification Balance Audit Objectives Existence Right and Obligation Valuation and Allocation

8 Audit Objectives of Inventory
Disclosure Objectives Occurrence Right and Obligation Completeness Classification and Understandability Accuracy and Valuation (Boynton, Modern Auditing 8 edition)

9 Documents (evidences) to support the records of Inventory
PR (Purchase Requisition) PQ (Purchase for Quotation Bid Evaluation Contract or Agreement Letter PO (Purchase Order) RR (Receiving Report) DO (Delivery Order of supplier) Invoice of supplier Purchase Return Document Good Using Document

10 Audit Evidence of Inventory
Inquiries of the client Documentation Confirmation Observation Physical examination Analytical procedures Reperformance

11 Confirmation about Inventory

12 Some Frauds in Inventory
Over or under stating the value of Inventory Misclassifying Inventory Scrapping good inventory Stealing inventory

13 Examples of Audit Findings of Inventory
Condition Criteria Causes Effects Recommendation

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