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1 Electromagnetic Excitation of Baryon Resonances
2 Electromagnetic Excitation of N*’s Primary Goals: Extract electro-coupling amplitudes for known △,N* resonances in Nπ, Nη, Nππ –Partial wave and isospin decomposition of hadronic decay –Assume em and strong interaction vertices factorize –Helicity amplitudes A 3/2 A 1/2 S 1/2 and their Q 2 dependence Study 3-quark wave function and underlying symmetries Quark models: relativity, gluons vs. mesons. Search for “missing” resonances predicted in SU(6) x O(3) symmetry group e e’ γvγv N N’,Λ N*,△ A 3/2, A 1/2,S 1/2 p p p
3 Inclusive Electron Scattering ep → e’X Resonances cannot be uniquely separated in inclusive scattering → exclusive processes Q 2 =-(e-e’) 2 ; W 2 = M X 2 =(e-e’+p) 2 (G E, G M ) (1232) N(1440) N(1520)N(1535) (1620) N(1680) ep →ep
4 W-Dependence of selected channels at 4 GeV e’ Measurement of various final states needed to probe different resonances, and to determine isospin. From panels 2 and 3 we can find immediately the isospins of the first and second resonances. The big broad strength near 1.35 GeV in panel 3, and not seen in panel 2 hints at another I=1/2 state. From panels 3 and 4 we see that there are 5 resonances. Panel 5 indicates there might be a 6 th resonance. 1 2 3 4 5
Dispersion relations and Unitary Isobar Model Using two approaches allows us to draw conclusions on the model dependence of the extracted results. The main uncertainty of the analysis is related to the real parts of amplitudes which are built in DR and UIM in conceptually different way: (contribution by Inna Aznauryan)
The imaginary parts of the amplitudes are determined mainly by the resonance contributions: For all resonances, except P 33 (1232), we use relativistic Breit-Wigner parameterization with energy-dependent width Combination of DR, Watson theorem, and the elasticity of t 1+ 3/2 (πN ) up to W=1.43 GeV provide strict constraints on the M 1+ 3/2,E 1+ 3/2,S 1+ 3/2 multipoles of the P 33 (1232) (Δ(1232)). Dispersion relations and Unitary Isobar Model (continued)
Fixed-t Dispersion Relations for invariant Ball amplitudes (Devenish & Lyth) Dispersion relations for 6 invariant Ball amplitudes: Unsubtracted Dispersion Relations Subtracted Dispersion Relation γ*p→Nπ (i=1,2,4,5,6)
Some points which are specific to high Q 2 From the analysis of the data at different Q 2 = 1.7-4.2 GeV, we have obtained consistent results for f sub (t,Q 2 ) f sub (t,Q 2 ) has relatively flat behavior, in contrast with π contribution:
Some points which are specific to high Q 2 (continued) The background of UIM we use at large Q 2 consists of the Born term and t-channel ρ and ω contributions At high Q 2, a question can arise if there are additional t-channel contributions, which due to the gauge invariance, do not contribute at Q 2 =0, e.g. π(1300), π(1670), scalar dipole transitions for h 1 (1170), b 1 (1235), a 1 (1260) … Such contributions are excluded by the data.
Analysis (continued) Fitted parameters: amplitudes corresponding to: P 33 (1232), P 11 (1440), D 13 (1520), S 11 (1535) F 15 (1680) Amplitudes of other resonances, in particular those with masses around 1700 MeV, were parameterized according to the SQTM or the results of analyses of previous data Including these amplitudes into the fitting procedure did not change the results
11 γNΔ(1232) Transition
12 N-Δ(1232) Quadrupole Transition SU(6): E 1+ =S 1+ =0
13 NΔ - in Single Quark Transition M1 N(938)Δ(1232) Magnetic single quark transition. Δ(1232) N(938) C2 Coulomb single quark transition.
14 Multipole Ratios R EM, R SM before 1999 Sign? Q 2 dependence? Data could not determine sign or Q 2 dependence
15 N ∆ electroproduction experiments after 1999 ReactionObservableWQ2Q2 Author, Conference, PublicationLAB p(e,e’p)π 0 σ 0 σ TT σ LT σ LTP 1.2210.060S. Stave, EPJA, 30, 471 (2006) MAMI p(e,e’p)π 0 1.2320.121H. Schmieden, EPJA, 28, 91 (2006) MAMI p(e,e’p)π 0 1.2320.121Th. Pospischil, PRL 86, 2959 (2001) MAMI p(e,e’p)π 0 σ 0 σ TT σ LT σ LTP 1.2320.127C. Mertz, PRL 86, 2963 (2001) C. Kunz, PLB 564, 21 (2003) N. Sparveris, PRL 94, 22003 (2005) BATES p(e,e’p)π 0 σ 0 σ TT σ LT σ LTP 1.232 1.221 0.127 0.200 N. Sparveris, SOH Workshop (2006) N. Sparveris, nucl-ex/611033 MAMI p(e,e’p)π 0 A LT A LTP 1.2320.200P. Bartsch, PRL 88, 142001 (2002) D. Elsner, EPJA, 27, 91 (2006) MAMI p(e,e’p)π 0 p(e,e’π+)n σ 0 σ TT σ LT σ LTP 1.10-1.400.16-0.35C. Smith, SOH Workshop (2006) JLAB / CLAS p(e,e’p)π 0 σ 0 σ TT σ LT 1.11-1.700.4-1.8K. Joo, PRL 88, 122001 (2001) JLAB / CLAS p(e,e’p)π 0 p(e,e’π+)n σ LTP 1.11-1.700.40,0.65K. Joo, PRC 68, 32201 (2003) K. Joo, PRC 70, 42201 (2004) K. Joo, PRC 72, 58202 (2005) JLAB / CLAS p(e,e’π+)nσ 0 σ TT σ LT 1.11-1.600.3-0.6H. Egiyan, PRC 73, 25204 (2006) JLAB / CLAS p(e,e’p)π 0 16 response functions1.17-1.351.0J. Kelly, PRL 95, 102001 (2005) JLAB / Hall A p(e,e’π+)nσ 0 σ TT σ LT σ LTP 1.1-1.71.7-4.5K. Park, Collaboration review JLAB / CLAS p(e,e’p)π 0 σ 0 σ TT σ LT 1.10-1.403.0-6.0M. Ungaro, PRL 97, 112003 (2006) JLAB / CLAS p(e,e’p)π 0 σ 0 σ TT σ LT 1.10-1.352.8, 4.0 V. Frolov, PRL 82, 45 (1999) JLAB / Hall C p(e,e’p)π 0 σ 0 σ TT σ LT 1.10-1.406.5, 7.5A. Villano, ongoing analysis JLAB / Hall C
16 Pion Electroproduction Structure Functions Structure functions extracted from fits to * distributions for each (Q 2,W, cosθ * ) point. LT and TT interference sensitive to weak quadrupole and longitudinal multipoles. + : J = l + ½ - : J = l - ½
17 Unpolarized structure function –Amplify small resonant longitudinal multipole by interfering with a large resonance transverse multipole The Power of Interference I LT ~ Re(L*T) = Re(L)Re(T) + Im(L)Im(T) Large Small P 33 (1232) Im(S 1+ ) Im(M 1+ )
18 Typical Cross Sections vs cos * and * Q 2 = 0.2 GeV 2 W=1.22 GeV
19 NΔ(1232) - Small Q 2 Behavior Structure Functions → Legendre expansion
20 Structure Functions - Invariant Mass W
21 Legendre Expansion of Structure Functions Resonant Multipoles Non-Resonant Multipoles (M 1+ dominance) Resonance mass is not always at the peak! Truncated multipole expansion
22 How about π + electroproduction? π+ electroproduction is less sensitive to the Δ(1232) multipoles, and more sensitive to higher mass resonances e.g. P 11 (1440), D 13 (1520), S 11 (1535) (as well as to background amplitudes). The resonant NΔ multipoles cannot be extracted from a truncated partial wave expansion using only π + n data.
23 l multipoles π + n channel has more background than pπ 0 which makes it more difficult to measure the small quadrupole terms.
24 π + electroproduction at Q 2 =0.20 GeV 2 C LAS
25 CLAS, MAMI results for E 1+ /M 1+ and S 1+ /M 1+ pπ 0 only pπ 0 and nπ + CLAS UIM Fit Truncated multipole expansion MAMI PRELIMINARY (N. Sparveris, SOH Workshop, Athens, Apr 06)
26 Comparison to lattice QCD calculations ■ CLAS 06 Quenched Lattice QCD GM* : Good agreement at Q 2 =0 but somewhat ‘harder’ form factor compared to experiment. S1+/M1+: Undershoots data at low Q 2 Linear chiral extrapolations may be naïve. C. Alexandrou et al, PRL 94, 021601 (2005)
27 Comparison with Theory Quenched Lattice QCD - E 1+ /M 1+ : Good agreement within large errors. - S 1+ /M 1+ : Undershoots data at low Q 2. - Linear chiral extrapolations may be naïve and/or dynamical quarks required Dynamical Models - Pion cloud model allows reasonable description of quadrupole ratios over large Q 2 range. Deformation of N, △ quark core? Shape of pion cloud? What are we learning from E/M, S/M? Need to isolate the first term or go to high Q 2 to study quark core.
28 High Q 2 NΔ Transition
29 NΔ(1232) – Short distance behavior Complete angular distributions in and in full W & Q 2 range. Q 2 =3GeV 2 cos
30 l multipoles UIM Fit to pπ 0 diff. cross section
31 K. Joo, et al., PRL88 (2002); J. Kelly et al., PRL95 (2005); M. Ungaro, et al., PRL97 (2006) Most precise baryon form factor measurement: R EM, R SM < 0.01. R EM remains small and negative at -2% to -3.5% from 0 ≤ Q 2 ≤ 6 GeV 2. No trend towards sign change or asymptotic behavior. Helicity conservation - R EM → +100(%). R SM negative and increase in magnitude. Helicity conservation - R SM → constant. NΔ Multipole Ratios R EM, R SM in 2007
32 NΔ Transition Form Factors - G M Meson contributions play a role even at relatively high Q 2. * 1/3 of G * M at low Q 2 is due to vertex dressing and pion cloud contributions. bare vertex dressed vertex pion cloud
33 Multipole Ratios R EM, R SM before 1999 Sign? Q 2 dependence? Data could not determine sign or Q 2 dependence
34 There is no sign for asymptotic pQCD behavior in R EM and R SM. R EM < 0 favors oblate shape of (1232) and prolate shape of the proton. NΔ Multipole Ratios R EM, R SM in 2007 Deviation from spherical symmetry of the (1232) in LQCD (unquenched). Dynamical models attribute the deformation to contributions of the pion cloud at low Q 2.
35 So what have we learned about the Δ resonance? e e / Shape of pion cloud? Deformation of N, △ quark core? e e / Answer will depend on wavelength of probe. With increasing resolution, we are mapping out the shape of the Δ vs the distance scale. But it is unclear how high in Q 2 we need to go. Its magnetic transition form factor drops much faster with Q 2 (as we probe it at shorter distances) than the magnetic form factor of the proton. The quadrupole contributions seems to originate mostly from the pion contributions to the wave function. The electric E 1+ follows closely the magnetic M 1+ multipoles. No sign of onset of asymptotic behavior up to shortest distances. Within large statistical uncertainties qLQCD describes E 1+ /M 1+. S 1+ / M 1+ is well described by qLQCD at sufficiently high Q 2 but deviates at low Q 2.
36 NΔ Multipole Ratios - Future Program CLAS12 (projected) With the JLab energy upgrade to 12 GeV the accessible Q 2 range for the NΔ transition form factors will be doubled to 12 GeV 2. Since the Δ form factors drop so rapidly with Q 2, a direct measurement of all final state particles maybe required to uniquely identify the final state.
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