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Computer organization at the logic level Some not so famous last words.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer organization at the logic level Some not so famous last words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer organization at the logic level Some not so famous last words

2 Logic diagram of a boolean expression For expression: ((ab + bc’)a)’:

3 Abbreviating diagram Eliminate inverter(s) – show input as x’ instead of x Since a junction just duplicates the signal from a variable, can just show the same variable as many times as needed; we assume any variable or its complement is available as input to any gate

4 Abbreviated version of previous diagram

5 Another example: a’bc  c + a + d)’ Note: diagram assumes (correctly) that XOR has higher precedence than OR and lower than AND

6 Writing a boolean expression from a logic diagram Label the output of each gate with the appropriate subexpression (we assume inputs have labels) Output of the final gate is the full expression

7 Construction Boolean expression from a truth table Can write the non-parenthesized OR of ANDs Each AND is a 1 in the result column of the truth table – see example, next slide

8 Example truth table abcx ------------------------------- 0001 0011 0101 0110 1001 1011 1100 1111 x = 1 for all ANDed combinations except a’bc and abc’ – so one valid expression is: a’b’c’ + a’b’c + a’bc’ + ab’c’ + ab’c + abc

9 Dual technique The previous example illustrates that the OR of ANDs might not produce the simplest expression Alternatively, we can take the AND of ORs; each OR is represented by a 0 in the result column – see next slide

10 Example truth table abcx ------------------------------- 0001 0011 0101 0110 1001 1011 1100 1111 x = 0 for 011 and 110 – so we take the dual, using complements of 0 and 1, with this result: x = (a+b’+c’)(a’+b’+c)

11 Gate delay Gate delay: time it takes for output of a gate to respond to change in its input With long string of gates, delay may be significant Reducing the number of gates reduces gate delay

12 2-level networks Since any boolean expression can be written as the OR of ANDed terms (2-level and/or network), any function can be implemented with a combinational net with ≤ 2 gate delays The same principle applies to the dual; we can transform the AND of ORed terms, if more convenient, giving us a 2-level or/and network

13 Gate equivalences DeMorgan’s laws tell us that: –(abc)’ = a’+b’+c’ –(a+b+c) = a’b’c’ This leads us to the following equivalences: –an OR gate with inverted inputs is equivalent to a NAND gate –an AND gate with inverted inputs is equivalent to a NOR gate We can replace any AND-OR net with an equivelant NAND-NAND or NAND-NOR net We can make similar replacements for OR-AND nets

14 Equivalent gates



17 Minimizing the number of gates Two-level networks are desirable because of their speed We can sometimes reduce the number of gates in a 2-level network and retain the processing speed of 2 gate delays

18 Example Suppose we start with the 4-input expression a’bd’ + a’c’d’ + a’bc’d’ Recall the absorption properties: –x + xy = x –x(x+y) = x Using commutation and association, we can write the original expression as: a’bd’ + (a’c’d’) + (a’c’d’)b The underlined parts of the expression are recognizable as an ‘x’ term in the first absorption law; thus we can reduce the expression to: a’bc’ + a’c’d’

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