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Power Modeling and Architecture Evaluation for FPGA with Novel Circuits for Vdd Programmability Yan Lin, Fei Li and Lei He EE Department, UCLA

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1 Power Modeling and Architecture Evaluation for FPGA with Novel Circuits for Vdd Programmability Yan Lin, Fei Li and Lei He EE Department, UCLA Partially supported by NSF.

2 Overview  FPGA architecture evaluation Area and delay [Rose et al, JSSC’90] Power [Poon et al, FPLA’02][Li et al, FPGA’03]  Vdd programmability for power reduction Concept in [FPGA’03] Application to logic [FPGA’04][DAC’04] Application to interconnects [ICCAD’04][Anderson et al, ICCAD’04]  Novel circuits and Architecture evaluation for FPGAs with Vdd-programmability  Reduce power by 50% with 17% area and 3% delay increase

3 Outline  Power modeling and architecture evaluation methodology  FPGA Circuits for Vdd Programmability  Architecture Evaluation with Vdd programmability  Conclusions and Ongoing Work

4 Framework fpgaEva-LP Parasitic Extraction Cycle-accurate Power Simulator Power Arch Spec Logic Optimization(SIS) Tech-Mapping (RASP) Timing-Driven Packing (TV-Pack) Placement & Routing (VPR) Delay Area Benchmark circuits

5 FPGA Structure and Models  Cluster-based Island Style FPGA Structure 100% buffered interconnects, subset switch block input fc = 50%, output fc = 25%  Area and delay models similar to [Betz-Rose- Marquardt] But based on layout and SPICE for 100nm and below  Mixed-level power model from [FPGA’03] Dynamic power Capacitive power Short-circuit power ( transition time) Capacitive power Functional switch Glitch Static Power  Sub-threshold leakage  Reverse biased leakage  Gate leakage

6 New Power Model in fpgaEva-LP2  Short-circuit power  switching time * switching power  fpgaEva-LP used average signal transition time  fpgaEva-LP2 calculates transition time for each buffer as, the buffer delay  is NOT a constant 2 as in literature due to input slew  is pre-characterized by SPICE buffer delay<0.012 ns< 0.03 ns>0.03 ns α24.47

7 Validation Using SPICE  Validate by comparison for each power-component  High fidelity with average absolute error of 8%

8 Impact of Random Seeds in VPR 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6 10.210.410.610.81111.211.411.611.812 Critical Path Delay (ns) FPGA Energy (nJ/cycle) circuit: s38584 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +5% +12%  12% delay variation and 5% energy variation  Min-delay solution among 10 runs is used

9 Evaluation of Single-Vdd FPGAs  Architectures explored Cluster size N = {6, 8, 10, 12} LUT size k = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}  Energy-delay (ED) dominant architectures Architecture with smaller delay or less energy (compared to any other architecture)  Relaxed ED dominant set may be also valuable 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 91011121314151617 Critical Path Delay (ns) Total FPGA Energy (nJ/cycle) (8, 7) (6, 7) (6, 6) (10, 5) (8, 5) (12, 4) (6, 5) (8, 4) (6, 4) (10, 4) (8, 6) (12, 5) (10, 6) (12, 6) (10, 7) (12, 7) (10, 3) (12, 3) (8, 3) (6, 3)

10 Energy versus Delay Current commercial architecture  For 100nm ITRS technology Min-Energy arch (N,k)=(10,4) or (8.4) Min-Delay arch (N,k)=(8,7)  0.8x delay but 1.7x power 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 91011121314151617 Critical Path Delay (ns) Total FPGA Energy (nJ/cycle) (8, 7) (6, 7) (6, 6) (10, 5) (8, 5) (12, 4) (6, 5) (8, 4) (6, 4) (10, 4) (8, 6) (12, 5) (10, 6) (12, 6) (10, 7) (12, 7) (10, 3) (12, 3) (8, 3) (6, 3)

11 Outline  Power modeling and evaluation methodology  FPGA Circuits for Vdd Programmability  Architecture Evaluation with Vdd programmability  Conclusions and Ongoing Work

12 Vdd-programmable FPGA [DAC’04][ICCAD’04]  Vdd-programmable logic block Vdd selection Power-gating unused blocks

13 Vdd-programmable FPGA [FPGA’04][ICCAD’04]  Vdd-programmable logic block Vdd selection Power-gating unused blocks  Vdd-programmable switch  Vdd-level conversion is needed when VddL drives VddH To avoid excessive leakage

14 Vdd-programmable Routing Switch  Conventional routing switch  Vdd-programmable routing switch Brute-force design [ICCAD’04]  Two extra SRAM cells for each routing switch New design  One extra SRAM cell  NAND2 gate –- minimum size & high-Vt transistor

15 Vdd-Programmable Interconnect Connection Block  New design Only TWO extra SRAM cells for n connection switches Control logic includes 2n NAND2 and a decoder  Brute-force design [ICCAD’04] 2n extra SRAM cells for n connection switches

16 Power and Delay  Vdd-programmable switch uses 4X PMOS power transistor for 7X routing switch 1X PMOS power transistor for 4X connection switch  Compared to conventional switch 1000X less leakage power  Connection box is 28% faster and has 18% less dynamic power By moving mux from critical path of connection box (Vdd=1.3v) Type Switch delay (ns)Energy per switch (Joule) w/o power transistor w/ power transistor w/o power transistor w/ power transistor Routing5.9E-116.5E-11(+11%)3.3E-143.2E-14 (-2%) Connection2.9E-102.1E-10(-28%)3.8E-143.1E-14(-18%)

17 Vdd-gateable Routing Switch  Vdd-gateable two states  Normal Vdd or Power-gating  Enable power-gating capability w/o extra SRAM cells  Can be replaced by tri-state buffer  Conventional Power transitor

18 Vdd-gateable Connection Block  Enable power-gating capability w/ only one extra SRAM and a low leakage decoder  Conventional  Vdd-gateable

19 Outline  Power modeling and evaluation methodology  FPGA Circuits for Vdd Programmability  Architecture Evaluation with Vdd programmability  Conclusions and Ongoing Work

20 FPGA Architecture Classes Architecture ClassLogic BlockInterconnect Class0 (baseline)single-Vdd Class1programmable dual-Vdd programmable dual-Vdd, level converters in routing Class2programmable dual-Vdd VddH and Vdd-gateable Class3programmable dual-Vdd Class 1, but no level converters in routing  High-Vt is applied to configuration SRAM cells for all the classes

21 Vdd-level Converters  Class3 removes Vdd-level converters from interconnects in Class1 With constraints that no VddL drives VddH  We developed a routing that one routing tree has a single Vdd level But trees with different Vdd-levels can share the same wire track  Alternative approaches: Combined vdd-level converter and buffer [ Anderson et al, ICCAD’04 ] Our new work [DAC’05] allows dual vdd in a tree with a chip level time slack budgeting for extra power reduction

22 Energy versus Delay  ED-product reduction 20% by Class1 (Vdd-programmable interconnects w/ level converters) 45% by Class2 (Vdd-gateable interconnects) 50% by Class3 (class1 minus level converters)  Performance degrades 3% due to Vdd programmability 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 1010.51111.51212.513 Critical Path Delay (ns) Total FPGA Energy/Cycle (nJ) Class 0 (8, 7) (6, 7) (6, 6)(8, 6) (10, 5) (8, 5) (12, 4) (8, 4) (6, 5) (6, 4) (10, 4) Class 1 (8, 7) (6, 6) (10, 5) (12, 4) (8, 4) (6, 4) (6, 7) (8, 5) (8,7) (6,7) (8,5) (10,6) (6,6)(8,6) (10,5) (12,4) Class 2 (8,7) (6,7) (10,6) (6,6) (8,6) (10,5) (8,5) (12,4) Class 3 LUT 4 Low Energy LUT 7 High Performance

23 Min-area  Min-energy Energy versus Area 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.00E+068.00E+061.00E+071.20E+071.40E+071.60E+071.80E+072.00E+072.20E+072.40E+072.60E+07 Total FPGA Device Area Total FPGA Energy/Cycle (nJ) Class0 (8,7) (6,7) (8,6) (6,6) (10,5) (8,5) (12,4) (6,5) (6,4) (8,4) (10,4) Class2 (8,7) (6,7) (10,6) (6,6) (8,6) (10,5) (8,5) (12,4)(8,4) (10,4) Class1 (8,7) (6,7) (6,6) (10,5) (8,5)(12,4) (6,4) (8,4) Class3 (8,7) (6,7) (10,4) (8,4) (12,4) (10,5) (8,5) (6,6) (10,6) (8,6)  Average area overhead 118% for Class1 (Vdd-programmable interconnects w/ level converters) 17% for Class2 (Vdd-gateable interconnects) 52% by Class3 (Vdd-programmable interconnects w/o level converters)  Class2 is the best considering both energy and area

24 Energy Breakdown  Class2 and Class3 dramatically reduce global interconnect leakage  But class1 fails due to leakage in Vdd-level converters 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Class0 Class1 Class2 Class3 FPGA Architecture (N,k) = (12,4) Total FPGA Energy (nJ/Cycle) Logic Leakage Energy Logic Dynamic Energy Local Interconnect Leakage Energy Local Interconnect Dynamic Energy Global Interconnect Leakage Energy Global Interconnect Dynamic Energy 2.94% 3.71% 16.03% 8.09% 49.89% 19.33% 2.70% 3.04% 26.22% 7.43% 42.84% 17.77% 4.07% 3.92% 39.69% 9.81% 4.88% 37.62% 4.40% 4.32% 42.93% 10.81% 5.85% 31.70%

25 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% Class2: Vdd-gateable interconnects + Vdd-programmable CLBs(12, 4) FPGA Area Overhead 3.87% 0.60% 4.96% 4.82% 1.80% 1.39%Power Transistors & SRAMs (CLBs) Vdd-level Converters (CLBs) Control (Connection Blocks) Power Transistors (Connection Blocks) SRAMs (Connection Blocks) Power Transistors (Routing Switches) Routing Switches 3.87% Connection Blocks 10.38% Logic Blocks 3.19% Area Overhead  17% = 9% for power transistors + 5% for control + 2% for SRAM

26 Conclusions and New Results  Field programmability is needed for fine-grained dual-vdd and Vdd-gating in FPGA  Vdd-gating offers a better area-power tradeoff than Vdd- selection  45% energy-delay product reduction with 17% area overhead  Architecture with Vdd-programmability LUT size 4  low energy and area LUT size 7  best performance  New results [dac’05] Time slack allocation for Vdd-programmable interconnects Device and architecture co-optimization for 77% energy- delay reduction

27 References and Download  All references and tools at  Results in the slides have been updated compared to the paper in ISFPGA’05

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