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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

2 CT abdomen 2

3 Solid organs Blood vessels
Oral CM & I.V. CM Solid organs Blood vessels

4 Solid organs Liver, Biliary system & gall bladder. Pancreas Spleen
Suprarenal glands kidneys?? wait!!! Muscles +Bones

5 Liver Liver is formed of 2 main lobes right and left divided by an imaginary line from IVC to GB. The same line of middle hepatic vein. Right lobe is subdivided into anterior and posterior segments by the middle hepatic vein. Left lobe is divided into medial and lateral Segments by falciform ligament. Caudate and quadrate lobes.

6 Pancreas Head…. Body……. Tail……. Spleen. Site. Shape. Relations……
Pancreas Head….. Body……. Tail…….. Spleen ?Site? Shape ? Relations…….. Suprarenal glands ?site?shape?size………… Muscles Anterior abdominal wall Posterior abdominal wall Psoas muscle wait!!! Bones Where is the peritoneum??? Where are L.N.???

7 Blood vessels Arteries: Abdominal aorta & its main branches; Coeliac artery SMA IMA Renal arteries 2 common iliac arteries Veins : IVC Hepatic veins Portal vein (SMV + Splenic vein) 2 common iliac veins

8 Liver Note: R_M_L: are hepatic veins IVC: inferior vena cava Left lobe
Lt lobe Lt lobe Right lobe L Anterior Liver M posterior R IVC Descending Aorta

9 L Stomach M Descending Aorta IVC R spleen

10 Falciform ligament Left lobe Lat Medial Right lobe Stomach L Anterior Descending Aorta M IVC posterior R spleen

11 Stomach Gall bladder Hepatic A Pancreas Splenic A Celiac A IVC Descending spleen kidney

12 pyloric Stomach portal v Pancreas Splenic v IVC Descending spleen Rt crus of diaphragm kidney kidney

13 Note: H:head B:body T:tail of pancreas portal v H B T IVC Descending

14 Duodenum+head of pancreas
portal v Duodenum+head of pancreas Splenic v Superior mesenteric A IVC Descending

15 Descending colon L-renal V IVC

16 Descending IVC Renal V

17 skin fat transvers colon anterior abdomenal wall Descending colon ileum Latral abdomenal wall Body of vertebrae kidney Psoas muscles Prevertebral muscles = back muscles

18 Note: when the solid organs disappeared.. and small and large organ appeared >>> we have inferior mesenteric jejunum Descending colon ileum ascending colon inferior mesenteric A

19 End of jejunum Descending colon ileum ascending colon lt common ileac A IVC becoming common ileac V Still ivc rt common ileac A

20 ileum ascending colon Descending colon Iliacus muscles R+L common iliac A L-ureter L-common iliac V R- ureter Psoas muscles R-common iliac V

21 Ad3oleeeeeee W ana kaman Dr nagla Reham Good luck

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