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The CEE Bankwatch Network's mission is to prevent the environmentally and socially harmful impacts of international development finance, and to promote.

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Presentation on theme: "The CEE Bankwatch Network's mission is to prevent the environmentally and socially harmful impacts of international development finance, and to promote."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CEE Bankwatch Network's mission is to prevent the environmentally and socially harmful impacts of international development finance, and to promote alternative solutions and public participation. The CEE Bankwatch Network is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) with member organisations currently from 11 countries across the central and eastern European region. The aim of the network is to monitor the activities of the international financial institutions which operate in the region, and to propose constructive alternatives to their policies and projects in the region. The CEE Bankwatch Network was formally set up in 1995 and has become one of the strongest networks of environmental NGOs in central and eastern Europe. Members of the CEE Bankwatch Network are NGOs from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Ukraine. Bankwatch promotes public participation and access to information about the activities of the IFIs across our region. Members of the CEE Bankwatch Network attend the annual meetings of the IFIs and are engaged in an ongoing critical dialogue with their staff and Executive Directors at the national, regional and international levels. about us goals activities priorities recommendations

2 The CEE Bankwatch Network has four main objectives: * To create public awareness about International Financial Institutions activities in Central and Eastern European countries and their social and environmental impacts. * To promote public participation in the decision making process about policies and projects of International Financial Institutions, on the local, national and regional levels. * To help non-governmental environmental organisations and citizen groups to monitor the activities of International Financial Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. * To stop environmentally and socially destructive policies and projects of International Financial Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, and promote alternatives. about us goals activities priorities recommendations

3 The CEE Bankwatch Network is working to accomplish its goals by: * Collecting and disseminating information about the activities of International Finance Institutions within the region. * Building the capacity of NGOs to participate in environmental decision-making, including training, joint analysis of projects, and joint publication of analytical materials about the International Finance Institutions. * Developing cooperative working relationships among Central and East European environmental activists. * Preparing critiques of International Finance Institutions-funded projects, and crafting proposals for more sustainable alternatives. * Undertaking advocacy activities vis-à-vis the various International Finance Institutions, particularly in the areas of transportation, energy and forestry. about us goals activities priorities recommendations

4 CEE Bankwatch Network is committed to: Ensuring that the World Bank Group's operations are TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLE. Amending the World Bank Group's EVALUATION AND SELECTION CRITERIA to take into account environmental and social impacts of development programs. REFORMING the governance structure of the World Bank and IMF to establish more equitable voting and leadership processes. SUPPORTING the capacity building of civil society groups in central and eastern Europe and central Asia that are scrutinizing and seeking to challenge World Bank Group policies and operations. DRAWING public attention to the detrimental social, environmental, and economic impacts of current International Financial Institutions projects and programs. about us goals activities priorities recommendations

5 CEE Bankwatch Amendments to the 2007 Resolution: TRANSPARENCY WHEREAS, the IMF and WB should adopt internationally recognized standards and norms of conduct, accountability, and public record transparency. EVALUATION AND SELECTION CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WHEREAS, guidelines will be established for all internationally financed development projects that adhere to currently accepted international standards for environmental protection and occupational safety. WHEREAS, no project shall be approved without demonstrable public social and economic benefit and that will not cause significant environmental or social harm. WHEREAS, procedures for the disclosure of all profit sharing deals to the public and processes to compensate local communities for any substantial social or economic damages shall be instituted. GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE WHEREAS, the leadership selection process should be made on the basis of 1) merit, 2) publicly available criteria, and 3) and an open and public voting record. about us goals activities priorities recommendations

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