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EMPLOYEES IN MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS u Local country nationals (LCNs) u Expatriate workers or home country nationals (HCNs) u Third country nationals.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPLOYEES IN MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS u Local country nationals (LCNs) u Expatriate workers or home country nationals (HCNs) u Third country nationals."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMPLOYEES IN MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS u Local country nationals (LCNs) u Expatriate workers or home country nationals (HCNs) u Third country nationals (TCNs)

2 IHRM ORIENTATIONS u Ethnocentric u Polycentric u Regiocentric u Global

3 KEY EXPATRIATE SUCCESS FACTORS u Professional/technical competence u Relational abilities u Motivation u Family situation u Language skills u Willingness to accept position

4 PRIORITY OF SUCCESS FACTORS u Depends on : u Assignment length u Cultural distance u Amount of required interaction with local people u Job complexity/responsibility

5 TRAINING RIGOR The extent of effort by trainees and trainers required to prepare the trainees for expatriate positions The extent of effort by trainees and trainers required to prepare the trainees for expatriate positions





10 CHALLENGES OF EXPATRIATE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL u Unreliable data u Complex and volatile environments u Time differences and distance separation u Local cultural situations

11 STEPS TO IMPROVE THE EVALUATION PROCESS 1. Fit the evaluation criteria to strategy. 2. Fine tune the evaluation criteria 3. Use multiple evaluators with varying periods of evaluation

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