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SSS and MoS Focal Points Meeting Brussels, 19 March 2010 ITALIAN ECOBONUS INITIATIVE Dott. Francesco Benevolo – General Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "SSS and MoS Focal Points Meeting Brussels, 19 March 2010 ITALIAN ECOBONUS INITIATIVE Dott. Francesco Benevolo – General Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSS and MoS Focal Points Meeting Brussels, 19 March 2010 ITALIAN ECOBONUS INITIATIVE Dott. Francesco Benevolo – General Manager

2 Index 2  Assumptions: a comparate analysis of the social costs of transportation  The Ecobonus experience in Sicily (2005-2008)  The national ”Ecobonus” (2007-2009)  Enforcement procedures  Main results  Perspectives

3 3 Externality costs of motorway transportation in Italy From the DPEF 2005-2008….:  Road accidents cost more than 30 Billion Euro per year;  The incidence of the congestion costs on the overall industrial production surpasses 1,4%, Which means a cost equal to approximately 12 billion Euro every year;  Congestion costs in the major cities have recently exceeded 6 billion euro per year;  The growth of the mobility of goods between Italy and the rest of Europe can be proved by one single data: in 1967 19 million tons of goods passed through the Alps, whereas in 2003 the tons were 135 millions. “ “ Assumptions: a comparate analysis of the social costs of transportation

4 4 Report by “Associazione Amici della Terra” 2001, updated in 2007 Assumptions: a comparate analysis of the social costs of transportation

5 5 1.A register of all operating transport companies 2.Applications must be presented quarterly (every 3 months) 3.Trimestral increase of transported goods 4.Parameters for the calculation of the contribution 5.Allowed forms of transportation. 6.…… The Ecobonus experience in Sicily (2005/2008) State Law n.11 (5 July 2004), containing “Measures to encourage combined sea-road transportation of goods throughout Sicily ”

6 6 The 265/2002 Law introduces a direct contribution for all transportation companies directly proportional to the “compensation of non beared - externality motorway- transportation-costs relatively to the indicated routes”. Ecobonus pursues the objective of trasfering transportation of goods from the motorways to the sea, by increasing the ship-average-load- capacity rate, and also pursues the objective of increasing transportation logistics. RAM cooperates with the Infrastructures Ministry for the Ecobonus preliminary investigation and for the arrangement of executive decrees, also in consideration of the A3 Highway (Salerno-Reggio Calabria) difficult situation. The national « Ecobonus » (2007-2009) BUDGETING: 77 MILLION EURO PER YEAR, for the 2007/2009 triennium, equal to approximately 800 MILLION EURO of overall motorway transportation costs.

7 7 Legge n. 265 del 22.11.2002 Decisione CE Aiuto di Stato n. 496/03 del 20.04.2005 D.P.R. n. 205 dell’11.04.2006 D.M. del 31.01.2007 D.M. del 26.03.2007 Legge Finanziaria 2008 D.M. del 25.10.2008 D.M. dell’8.01.2008 D.M. del 16.12.2008 D.M. del 7.10.2009 MAIN STAGES The national «Ecobonus » (2007-2009)

8 8 Enforcement procedures Ministry RAMMinistry Beneficiary Beneficiary Application Operative flow Annual requests

9 9 Enforcement procedures Flusso operativo

10 10 Enforcement procedures E.C. Transportation companies (also partnerships and associations) which board their means of transport onto the ships limitedly to the established routes … are an alternative to the motorway transport … contribute to the reduction of the overall congestion in the motorway national system …. improve environmental standards relatively to the corrisponding motorway route Beneficiaries Detection of routes,which: NUMERO VERDE 800.896969 HELP DESK

11 11 Enforcement procedures New Routes Civitavecchia - Messina Savona Vado - Termini Imerese Marina di Carrara - Castellon De La Plana

12 12 Main Results Year 2007

13 13 Main Results Year 2008 (in progress)

14 ECOBONUS has allowed, in its first enforcement stage, to promote the development of the “Motorways of the sea” system, contributing to diminish the social costs generated by the national motorway congestion. Thanks to the success of this Italian best practice (in the last year of the triennium - 2009 - we received about 270 applications) there is a realistic hope for this measure to be refinanced in Italy in the next years, in the perspective that the European Commission may consider the possibility of extending it to other E.C. State Members in the medium-long term, also through the optimization of both the working experience and the efficiency optimization of the RAM preliminary investigation procedures. Perspectives 14

15 Many Thanks for your attention Dott. Francesco Benevolo General Manager Rete Autostrade Mediterranee S.p.a. 15

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