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U.S. Department of Education funding initiative Copyright © 2000, ISTE and its licensors. Freely reproducible and modifiable for nonprofit, educational.

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2 U.S. Department of Education funding initiative Copyright © 2000, ISTE and its licensors. Freely reproducible and modifiable for nonprofit, educational use. E-mail for other uses. National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) For Teachers and Students Original slides by Lajeane Thomas, modified by C. Chou

3 Ready or Not... The World is Different Work is different... Tools are different... Communication is different... Information is different... Kids are different... And Learning Is Different!

4 Our Educational System Must Produce Technology-Capable Kids Within a sound educational system students can become: Capable information technology users Information seekers, analyzers, and evaluators Problem-solvers and decision-makers Creative and effective users of productivity tools Communicators, collaborators, publishers, and producers Informed, responsible, and contributing citizens

5 NETS Project Standards Development Phases Technology Foundation Standards Standards for Using Technology in Learning and Teaching Educational Technology Support Standards Standards for Student Assessment and Evaluation of Technology Use

6 Phase I. NETS for Students Released NECC ’98 URL:

7 Phase II. Connecting Curriculum and Technology Released Nov. 1999

8 Phase III. Support Standards Describing those elements that support the effective use of technology in schools and universities

9 Phase IV. Standards for Evaluation and Assessment performance assessments and the processes for applying them evaluation systems for assessing the effectiveness of technology use in classrooms, schools, and universities As the standards and performance indicators are developed:

10 U.S. Department of Education funding initiative ISTE with a consortia of partners will revise the ISTE Foundations for All Teachers develop performance indicators identify essential conditions outline assessment systems disseminate models of implementation NETS for Teachers

11 Traditional -------- Incorporating ------ New Environments New Strategies Teacher-centered instruction Student-centered learning Single sense stimulation Multisensory stimulation Single path progression Multipath progression Single media Multimedia Isolated work Collaborative work Information delivery Information exchange Passive learning Active/exploratory/inquiry-based learning Factual/literal thinking Critical thinking, informed decision-making Reactive response Proactive/planned action Isolated, artificial context Authentic, real world context Establishing New Learning Environments

12 Standards Categories 1. Basic Operations and Concepts. 2. Personal and Professional Use of Technology 3. Application of Technology in Instruction. 1. Technology Operations and Concepts 2. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences 3. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum 4. Assessment and Evaluation 5. Productivity and Professional Practice 6. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues

13 Student Standards Categories 1. Basic Operations and Concepts 2. Social, Ethical, and Human Issues 3. Technology Productivity Tools 4. Technology Communications Tools 5. Technology Research Tools 6. Technology Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making Tools

14 Performance Indicators Grades PreK - 2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6 - 8 Grades 9 -12 Each set of performance indicators includes a related example or scenario describing how the performance indicators might be addressed in authentic classroom practice

15 Essential Conditions for Successful Technology Use There are fundamental requirements that must be met for teacher candidates to learn to use technology effectively. Visionary planning with support and proactive leadership from the education system Educators skilled in facilitating the use of technology for teaching, learning, management, communications, and productivity Assessment of effectiveness of technology for learning Access to contemporary technologies, software, and telecommunications networks Technical assistance/mentors for using and maintaining technology resources Rewards and incentive systems

16 NETS for Teachers Review & Refinement √ Open Forum (DC, 12-9-99) √ NETS Writing Team Meeting (Jan 7-12, 2000) √Online review of standards (Feb 2-11) √ SITTE (San Diego, Feb 8-11, 2000) √ Online review of standards/indicators (Feb 15-29) √ FETC Forum (Feb 29, 2000) √ Partner Refinement (March 10) Release of New Document at NECC 2000

17 WHAT technology skills should be woven into the curricular fabric of our schools... WHEN such skills should be taught... HOW technology can support these new learning environments... NETS STANDARDS CAN HELP EDUCATIONAL LEADERS KNOW:

18 As of April 2003, 45 states in the United States have either adopted ur used in some way at least one set of NETS in their state technology plans, certification, licensure, curriculum plans, assessment plans, or other official state document. Translation into eight languages by UNESCO Current State

19 Connecting Curriculum and Technology Now on the Web: or Thank you Apple for contributing Web expertise to develop this resource!

20 Credits Modify from the slides created by Lajeane Thomas e-mail: URL:

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