Time Organized Maps – Learning cortical topography from spatiotemporal stimuli “ Learning cortical topography from spatiotemporal stimuli ”, J. Wiemer,

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Presentation on theme: "Time Organized Maps – Learning cortical topography from spatiotemporal stimuli “ Learning cortical topography from spatiotemporal stimuli ”, J. Wiemer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Organized Maps – Learning cortical topography from spatiotemporal stimuli “ Learning cortical topography from spatiotemporal stimuli ”, J. Wiemer, F. Spengler, F. Joublin, P. Stagge, S. Wacquant, Biological Cybernetics, 2000 “The Time-Organized Map Algorithm: Extending the Self-Organizing Map to Spatiotemporal Signals”, Jan C.Wiemer, Neural Computation, 2003 Presented by: Mojtaba Solgi TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAA A

2 Outline 1. The purpose and biological motivation 2. The Model: TOM Algorithm Wave propagation Learning 3. Experiments and Results Gaussian stimuli Generic artificial stimuli Semi-natural stimuli 4. Discussion 5. z

3 Neurobiological experiments, Spengler et al., 1996, 1999

4 Terminology Integration Fusion of different stimuli into one representation Segregation: Process of Increasing representational distance of different stimuli z

5 2D Network Architecture Activation positional shift

6 One-dimensional model

7 Wave propagation

8 Integration and Segregation

9 Algorithm 1. Compute neurons activations and the position of the top winner neuron 2. Compute the neural position of the propagated wave from the last time step activation

10 Algorithm – Cont. 3. Shift the position of the top winner neuron due to interaction with propagated wave

11 Algorithm – Cont. 4. Again shift the position of the winner neuron this time due to noise 5. Update the winner neurons weights SOM Hebbian

12 Experiments with Gaussian stimuli & 2D neural layer 1. Simulation of ‘ontogenesis’ (Development)

13 Experiments with Gaussian stimuli & 2D neural layer 2. Simulation of post-ontogenetic plasticity

14 One-dimensional model

15 Experiments with generic artificial stimuli & 1D neural layer The input

16 Experiments with semi-natural stimuli & 1D neural layer


18 Discussion Importance of temporal stimulus for development of cortical topography Continuous mapping of related stimuli Inter-Stimulus-Interval-Dependant representations Hardly scalable No recognition performance on real-world problems Tested only on artificial input

19 Summary Utilizing temporal information in developing cortical topography Wave-like spread of cortical activity Experiments and results show compatibility of the model with neurobiological observations Biologically inspired and plausible, but no engineering performance

20 Thank you! Any thoughts/question?

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