Wireless Control with ZigBee Final Presentation Students Yossi Lempert Natan Keren Instructor Konstantin Sinyuk.

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Control with ZigBee Final Presentation Students Yossi Lempert Natan Keren Instructor Konstantin Sinyuk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Control with ZigBee Final Presentation Students Yossi Lempert Natan Keren Instructor Konstantin Sinyuk

2 Introduction Smart House topic continue Latest projects: Home Wireless Control, Remote Controller for Smart House New technology – ZigBee Reminder: fresh new Microchip kit, late start…

3 Project Goals Learn the ZigBee protocol and it’s constrains Learn the PicdemZ kit Implement an Access Point – End Point communication via ZigBee Add simple Hyper Terminal based control

4 ZigBee Simpler and cheaper than existing wireless protocols and hardware

5 ZigBee cont. Four layers: Physical, Mac, Application + sub-level Three predefined unit types:  RFD – simplest node, system interaction only  FFD – can transfer other units’ data  Coordinator – can serve as a network root and hold data about it, can be a bridge between networks

6 ZigBee vs. Bluetooth Cost: 3$ for Bt node, 1.1$ for ZigBee But, microcontroller support needed for ZigBee for now Code size: 10% of BT code size in most capable node, 2% in the simplest one But, 50% in actual node

7 ZigBee vs. Bluetooth New developing protocol vs. finalized product Next generation or commercial alternative? Low power consumption, small size – both Simple protocol model vs. complicated multi- layered one Networking design in ZigBee

8 PicdemZ Hardware 2.4 GHz RF transceiver 64 KB flash memory PIC18LF4620 microcontroller 2 * 9v battery

9 PicdemZ Software ZigBee Stack support Microchip MPLAB ICD2 Microchip MPLAB IDE available on Microchip site

10 Block Diagram End point Access Point Access Point Controller

11 Access Point Holds internal devices binding tables Holds neighbors tables Performs all the logic Access Point RF Transmitter Coordinator Module PIC18LF4620 UART

12 End Point Simple unit Responds AP messages and commands End Point RF Transmitter RFD Module PIC18LF4620 UART

13 Hyper Terminal Controller Simple Remote Controller via serial port Built into the Coordinator code

14 Functionality Set ID Create binding Clear binding table Clear neighbors table Perform action

15 Communication algorithm Bluetooth: AP inquires for EP and initiates connection ZigBee: EP scans for available APs and initiates connection Further logic is performed by AP in both cases

16 Difficulties New technology Very basic stack, almost no networking Hard to debug Resets and burnings after every change Lose of connection – possibly RF or stack problem

17 Debug No ICD2 NO LEDs Lots of prints and messages to Hyper Term Burn and test

18 Summary Easier system – easier life “It’s a brick in the wall” The system and technology do stand expectations Future: large network, integration into larger system ZigBee develops – new kits and stacks

19 Thanks to everyone…

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