Chapter 8 Nonlinear Regression Functions. 2 Nonlinear Regression Functions (SW Chapter 8)

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Nonlinear Regression Functions. 2 Nonlinear Regression Functions (SW Chapter 8)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Nonlinear Regression Functions

2 2 Nonlinear Regression Functions (SW Chapter 8)

3 3 The TestScore – STR relation looks linear (maybe)…

4 4 But the TestScore – Income relation looks nonlinear...

5 5 Nonlinear Regression Population Regression Functions – General Ideas (SW Section 8.1)

6 6 The general nonlinear population regression function

7 7

8 8 Nonlinear Functions of a Single Independent Variable (SW Section 8.2)

9 9 1. Polynomials in X

10 10 Example: the TestScore – Income relation

11 11 Estimation of the quadratic specification in STATA

12 12 Interpreting the estimated regression function:

13 13 Interpreting the estimated regression function, ctd:

14 14

15 15 Estimation of a cubic specification in STATA

16 16

17 17 Summary: polynomial regression functions

18 18 2. Logarithmic functions of Y and/or X

19 19 The three log regression specifications:

20 20 I. Linear-log population regression function

21 21 Linear-log case, continued

22 22 Example: TestScore vs. ln(Income)

23 23 The linear-log and cubic regression functions

24 24 II. Log-linear population regression function

25 25 Log-linear case, continued

26 26 III. Log-log population regression function

27 27 Log-log case, continued

28 28 Example: ln( TestScore) vs. ln( Income)

29 29 Example: ln( TestScore) vs. ln( Income), ctd.

30 30 The log-linear and log-log specifications:

31 31 Summary: Logarithmic transformations

32 32 Other nonlinear functions (and nonlinear least squares) (SW App. 8.1)

33 33 Negative exponential growth

34 34 Nonlinear Least Squares

35 35

36 36

37 37 Interactions Between Independent Variables (SW Section 8.3)

38 38 (a) Interactions between two binary variables

39 39 Interpreting the coefficients

40 40 Example: TestScore, STR, English learners

41 41 (b) Interactions between continuous and binary variables

42 42 Binary-continuous interactions: the two regression lines

43 43 Binary-continuous interactions, ctd.

44 44 Interpreting the coefficients

45 45 Example: TestScore, STR, HiEL (=1 if PctEL  10)

46 46 Example, ctd: Testing hypotheses

47 47 (c) Interactions between two continuous variables

48 48 Interpreting the coefficients:

49 49 Example: TestScore, STR, PctEL

50 50 Example, ctd: hypothesis tests

51 51 Application: Nonlinear Effects on Test Scores of the Student-Teacher Ratio (SW Section 8.4)

52 52 Strategy for Question #1 (different effects for different STR?)

53 53 Strategy for Question #2 (interactions between PctEL and STR?)

54 54 What is a good “base” specification?

55 55

56 56 Tests of joint hypotheses:

57 57 Interpreting the regression functions via plots:

58 58 Next, compare the regressions with interactions:

59 59 Summary: Nonlinear Regression Functions

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