Summon Dave Pattern Library Systems Manager University of Huddersfield

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1 Summon Dave Pattern Library Systems Manager University of Huddersfield

2 University of Huddersfield 2,000 staff and 20,000 students Implemented MetaLib in 2006 –users didn’t like the slow federated search  –students & staff seemed to prefer Google Scholar  Started a review of Electronic Resource provision in April 2009

3 Our “wish list”… Single search box for all library content… –library catalogue, journal articles, repository, etc Very fast results (<1 second) –no federated search Clean and simple interface Easy to maintain (help free up staff time)

4 First UK Summon customer! “This is the transformational technology which has long been needed to meet student and academic staff expectations in an increasingly complex information environment.”

5 Implementation

6 Implementation time line Aug 2009 - start of Summon implementation (6 weeks) Oct 2009 - initial Summon implementation ends - migration from SFX to 360 Link begins Jan 2010- 360 Link migration ends - “soft launch” of Summon beta Mar 2010- Summon launched at Research Festival - Summon runs in parallel with MetaLib Jul 2010- Summon replaces MetaLib

7 Project kick-off meeting Conference call with Serials Solutions staff MARC21 mapping spreadsheet –we went with the defaults –each MARC record needs a unique ID (e.g. 999$a) Initial customisation of Summon – text, branding, etc

8 MARC record FTP uploads Initial export of all records from Horizon In-house scripts developed to upload records on a daily basis: –deletions (via LDR position 5 = “d”) –changed records (via Horizon timestamp) –new records (via Horizon timestamp) Problems with deletions 

9 Things to consider… When does your LMS/ILS actually delete bibliographic records? Do you really want to upload everything from your catalogue? –we don’t upload ebooks, ejournals, fast adds, ILL temp records, records where the only items are on order or unavailable, etc

10 More things to consider… Summon* will highlight all of your crappy cataloguing!!! –rogue cataloguers who don’t obey the rules  –copy cataloguing errors * also VuFind, AquaBrowser, etc

11 What do we have in Summon? Over 61,000,000 items, including… –30,000 journals –36,000,000 journal articles –23,000,000 newspaper articles –Print material held in our libraries –E-Prints Repository –165,000 video and audio recordings

12 User feedback

13 How easy is Summon to use?

14 What did you like most? “Ability to see abstracts. Ease of refining searches. Easier to get full text of articles.” “Very intuitive.” “Everything. So easy to use.” “Simplicity, it feels like Googling.” “The very clear user-interface which works in a way much more similar to the 'google' search box I am used to in every day life.”

15 What did you dislike? “Nothing as of yet i really like it!” “The amount of information! without refining your search, it can be a bit mind boggling!” “Everything is out of order. Books followed by newspaper articles.” “Nothing - such a difference from Metalib!” “It's google like operationality. I preferred metalib.”

16 Thank you! Our Summon… > JISC funded Summon 4 HN Project… >

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