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Data Merging and GIS Integration

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1 Data Merging and GIS Integration
Chapter Data Merging and GIS Integration Analysis and applications of remote sensing imagery Instructor: Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu Department of Earth Sciences National Cheng Kung University Last updated: 17 April 2017

2 Introduction RS applications  data merging  unlimited variety of data Multi-resolution  data fusion Plate 1: GIS (soil erodibility + slope information) Trend Boundary between DIP and GIS  blurred Fully integrated spatial analysis systems  norm

3 Multi-temporal data merging
Same area but different dates  composites  visual interpretation e.g. agricultural crop Plate 31(a): mapping invasive plant species NDVI from Landsat-7 ETM+ March 7  blue April 24  green October 15  red GIS-derived wetland boundary  eliminate the interpretation of false positive areas Plate 31(b): mapping of algae bloom Enhance the automated land cover classification Register all spectral bands from all dates into one master data set More data for classification Principal components analysis  reduce the dimensionality  manipulate, store, classify, … Multi-temporal profile Fig 7.54: greenness. (tp, s, Gm, G0)

4 Change detection procedures
Types of interest Short term phenomena: e.g. snow cover, floodwater Long tern phenomena: e.g. urban fringe development, desertification Ideal conditions Same sensor, spatial resolution, viewing geometry, time of day An ideal orbit: ROCSAT-2 Anniversary dates Accurate spatial registration Environmental factors Lake level, tidal stage, wind, soil moisture condition, …

5 Change detection procedures (cont.)
Approach Post-classification comparison Independent classification and registration Change with dates Classification of multi-temporal data sets A single classification is performed on a combined data sets Great dimensionality and complexity  redundancy Principal components analysis Two or more images  one multiband image Uncorrelated principal components  areas of change Difficult to interpret or identify the change Plate 32: (a) before (b) after (c) principal component image

6 Change detection procedures (cont.)
Approach (cont.) Temporal image differencing One image is subtracted from the other Change-no change threshold Add a constant to each difference image for display purpose Temporal image ratioing One image is divided by the other No change area  ratio  1 Change vector analysis Fig 7.55 Change-versus-no-change binary mask Traditional classification of time 1 image Two-band (one from time 1 and the other from time 2)  algebraic operation  threshold  binary mask  apply to time 2 image

7 Change detection procedures (cont.)
Approach (cont.) Delta transformation Fig 7.56 (a): no spectral change between two dates (b): natural variability in the landscape between dates (c): effect of uniform atmospheric haze differences between dates (d): effect of sensor drift between dates (e): brighter or darker pixels indicate land cover change (f): delta transformation Fig 7.57: application of delta transformation to Landsat TM images of forest

8 Multisensor image merging
Plate 33: IHS multisensor image merger of SPOT HRV, landsat TM and digital orthophoto data Multi-spectral scanner + radar image data

9 Merging of image data with ancillary data
Image + DEM  synthetic stereoscopic images Fig 7.58: synthetic stereopari generated from a single Landsat MSS image and a DEM Standard Landsat images  fixed, weak stereoscopic effect in the relatively small areas of overlap between orbit passes Produce perspective-view images Fig 7.59: perspective-view image of Mount Fuji

10 Incorporating GIS data in automated land cover classification
Useful GIS data (ancillary data) Soil types, census statistics, ownership boundaries, zoning districts, … Geographic stratification Ancillary data  geographic stratification  classification Basis of stratification Single variable: upland  wetland, urban  rural Factors: landscape units or ecoregions that combine several interrelated variables (e.g. local climate, soil type, vegetation, landform)

11 Incorporating GIS data in automated land cover classification (cont.)
Multi-source image classification decision rules (user-defined) Plate 34: a composite land cover classification A supervised classification of TM image in early May A supervised classification of TM image in late June A supervised classification of both dates combined using a PCA A wetlands GIS layer A road DLG (digital line graph) Table 7.5: basis for sample decision rules

12 Incorporating GIS data in automated land cover classification (cont.)
Artificial neural networks
























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