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1 Scholarly Ontologies Project Knowledge Media Institute The Open University Hobby: 1998-2000 EPSRC: 2001-2004 PI:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Scholarly Ontologies Project Knowledge Media Institute The Open University Hobby: 1998-2000 EPSRC: 2001-2004 PI:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Scholarly Ontologies Project Knowledge Media Institute The Open University Hobby: 1998-2000 EPSRC: 2001-2004 PI: Simon Buckingham Shum Co-I’s: John Domingue, Enrico Motta RF’s: Gary Li, Victoria Uren PhD’s: Clara Mancini, Bertrand Sereno

2 2 documents Research is interesting because of incomplete, conflicting, conceptual structures… metadata/ontologies citation link services interpretations?

3 3 interpretations? Significance = Connection Err, if we could all just use my master ontology… Whose connections?… …Whose link types?

4 4 ? Claims Counterclaims Emergent domain model grounded in perspectives

5 5 Claims Counterclaims Emergent domain model grounded in perspectives

6 6 5 Relational Types & examples

7 7 Structure of a Claim

8 8 A Set of Concepts, Claims, Objects

9 9 ScholOnto in a nutshell…  Literatures as networks of concepts…  …which are grounded in documents  Connections between nodes are claims  Core set of connection types, which can be expressed in discipline-specific dialects Multiple claim structures from diverse perspectives  A server mediates and manages the claims:  Claim making (manual/semi-auto) tools  An evolving network reflecting a community’s interpretation of its concepts  Innovative digital library services: agents, visualizations…

10 10 New kinds of scientometrics?  Impact (semantically typed citations)  Schools of thought (clusters of concepts sharing a foundation)  Intellectual lineage/evidence (supportive and challenging connections)  Consistency (structural integrity)

11 11 documents ScholOnto meets OpCit (& other linking services) ? metadata/ontologies citation link services interpretations Eprint server OpCit et al. + other semantic web stuff ScholOnto Academic Press / OAI servers…

12 12 Status  Ontology v1 defined  Claimaker v1 ~implemented  ~3000 Academic Press papers imported  Several micro-literatures modelled  Now populating database with claims to evaluate:  Ontology  Usability  Intuitions about what reasoning services, agents and visualizations are required

13 13 Demo…

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