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Intelligent Sensor Network for Extreme Environments I.S.N.E.E Group Members: Iiga, Tiffany Irvine, Joshua Liang, Mary Yuen, Faye.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligent Sensor Network for Extreme Environments I.S.N.E.E Group Members: Iiga, Tiffany Irvine, Joshua Liang, Mary Yuen, Faye."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligent Sensor Network for Extreme Environments I.S.N.E.E Group Members: Iiga, Tiffany Irvine, Joshua Liang, Mary Yuen, Faye

2 Network Detect Contribute N.A.S.A. Dr. Chris McKay

3 Work will span 3 semesters: –Fall 2005 – Research –Spring 2006 – Design –Fall 2006 – Build and Test

4 Joshua – “Biosensor”, LIFE, Research Mary – Circuit Design, “Biosensor”, Research, record-keeping Tiffany – Networking/Communication, Circuit Design, Technological Research Faye – Hardware, Power, Budget, Website Maintenance, Research

5 Proof of Concept –Biology –Detection –Circuit –Design –Networking –Casing/Power Semester in Review

6 Proof of Concept Biology Detection Circuit Networking Casing/Power


8 Indicators for life?


10 Definition (1) Reproduce(2) Metabolize

11 The Cell multi-cellular organisms (us) Own organism (i.e. bacteria)

12 ProkaryotesEukaryotes Typical organismsbacteria, archaeaprotists, fungi, plants, animals Typical size~1-10 micrometers~10-100 micrometers Types of nucleusnucleiod region; no real nucleusreal nucleus w/double membrane DNAcircular (usually)linear molecules Ribosomesyes Cytoplasmatic structurevery few structureshighly structured by endomembranes and a cytoskeleton Mitochondiranoyes Chloroplastsnoin algae and plants (not animal cells) organizationsingle cellssingle cells, colonies, higher multicellular organisms w/specialized cells Cell Divisionbinary fission (simple)Mitosis and Meiosis (complex) Lipid MembraneYES


14 Animal Cell Not in animal cells: Chloroplasts; Central vacuole & tonoplast; Cell wall; Plasmodesmata

15 Plant Cell Not in plant cells: Lysomes; Centriole; Flagella (in some plant sperm)

16 Biological Membrane Acts as a barrier within or around a cell Composed of phospholipids Selective permeable structure –Actual properties of atom will determine the successful crossing of the biological membrane ATOMSMEMBRANE

17 Phospholipids Hydrophilic Head Hydrophobic Tails

18 Lipid Membrane LIPIDS & PROTEINS

19 Lipid Membrane Function: BARRIER Essential biological Functions: –I–Immune response –N–Neurotransmission –C–Cell adherence –C–Cell growth and differentiation –C–Cell metabolism –P–Photosynthesis

20 Spores

21 Definitions –(1) Reproductive Mechanism –(2) Protection Mechanism

22 Dormancy Recognition Scarcity of Resources –Food & water Temperature & Pressure Increases –DNA Denatures

23 The Change Peptidoglycan

24 Function: Strength and Structure –Ultraviolet/Gamma Radiation –Desiccation –Temperature –Lysozyme –Starvation –Chemical Disinfectants

25 Summary: Biology Bio-signs –Indicative to “Life” Lipid Membrane Peptidoglycan Gel Stains –Antigen/Antibody specific –Spyro Ruby DNA Light reaction Passive

26 Proof of Concept Biology Detection Circuit Networking Casing/Power

27 Biological Detection

28 Sensors Translation of data into useful information



31 Bio-detector Release chemicals Gel stains LED Reaction Detection

32 Bio-detector Mote Gel Stains Data Process Photodiode Array

33 Photodiode Semiconductor Substrate (pn)

34 Photon Electron Excited electronAtom Photon released

35 Array Semicoa –Small dark current –-45 to +80 degrees celsius –Range: 400 to 1100 nm –Small size (5mm)

36 Proof of Concept Biology Detection Circuit Networking Casing/Power

37 I.S.N.E.E Satellite Internet (our website) CN

38 Motes Definition Focus –Prototype Environmental (BLUE) Super Mote (RED)

39 Design Specs COTS Autonomous Robust Reliable data transmission –Meterological –Biological

40 Environmental Mote Components Jennic JN5121 Wireless Microcontroller Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Wind Sensor Solar Panels Rechargeable NimH batteries External Antenna

41 Super Mote Components Jennic JN5121 Wireless Microcontroller Atmospheric Sensor Wind Sensor Biodector Solar Panels Rechargeable NimH batteries External Antenna

42 Block Diagram Power Supply Microprocessor (chip) CameraRF Flash Protective Casing

43 JN5121 Power Module 12-V NiMH Rechargeable Batteries 12-V to 3-V Converter Solar Panels Communications Antenna Router Programmable Protocol Microcontroller Microprocessor Counter/Timer A/D Converter Flash Memory External Power Supply Solar Panels Rechargeable NiMH Batteries Internal Sensors Temperature Humidity Light External Sensors Atmospheric Pressure Wind ENVIRONMENTAL MOTE

44 JN5121 Power Module 12-V NiMH Rechargeabl e Batteries 12-V to 3-V Converter Solar Panels Microcontroller Microprocesso r Counter/Timer A/D Converter Flash Memory External Power Supply Communications Antenna Router Programmable Protocol Internal Sensors Temperature Humidity Light External Sensor Biosensor Photodiod e Array Gel Stains LEDs Atmospheric Pressure Wind Solar Panels Rechargeable NiMH Batteries SUPER MOTE

45 Wireless Microcontroller Module Jennic JN5121Internal networking system, microcontroller, selected sensors Software Development Kit

46 JN5121

47 Proof of Concept Biology Detection Circuit Networking Casing/Power

48 Networking System Flow Chart Satellite RF Digital Internet (our website) CN RF  Digital Digital

49 Networking System Mesh Network Allows for multiple paths to transmit data Most coverage around our Super Motes RF to transmit mote to mote

50 Wireless Microcontroller Kit Jennic JN5121- EK000 Evaluation Kit Controller Board (1) Sensor Boards (4) Software Development Kit

51 Proof of Concept Biology Detection Circuit Networking Casing/Power


53 Cone Shape Circular base eliminates stress points Heavier bottom Angled sides reduce dust build up and allow maximum absorption by solar panels

54 Diagram Solar Panels


56 Circuit Diagram Solar Cells Rechargeable NiMH Batteries Schottky Diode

57 Specifications Required Voltage: 2.2 V - 3.6 V Required Current: 1uA - 50 mA

58 Supplies Flexible thin film solar modules –6 Volts –100 mA –L x W x T = 4.5 x 5.9 x 0.01 inches Rechargeable NiMH batteries –6 Volts –1800 mAH –AA size Schottky Diode

59 Calculations Solar Cells –Maximum Power Point = (6 V)(0.1 A) –Input Light Irradiance = 589.2 W/m 2 –Surface Area of Solar Cells = 0.0171 m 2 –Energy Conversion Efficiency = 5.95% Batteries –Power Provided = (6 V)(1800 mA) = 10.8 W Mote –Power Consumed = (3.6 V)(50 mA) = 0.18 W (1.67% of batteries)

60 NiMH vs. NiCd Batteries Anode is a hydrogen absorbing alloy Lower memory effect allows it to hold more charge (don’t need to fully discharge before recharging) Greater capacity – longer run times Anode is cadmium (harmful to environment) Best suited for devices that require a lot of power (ex. RC cars, aeroplanes) Maintained by a continuous low current

61 Schottky Diode Prevents battery discharge at night Low forward-voltage drop Fast switching Typically used for solar cell protection

62 Proof of Concept Design Semester in Review

63 Finances

64 ITEMCOST Protective casing for 10 motes$300 Printed Circuit Board for 10 motes$400 Smart Dust Chips for 10 motes$1,000 Sensors for 10 motes$300 TOTAL:$2,000 Projected Spending Spring ‘06

65 Requisition for Funds Spring ‘06 Sources of FundingAMOUNT N.A.S.A. Fellowship: Faye$500 N.A.S.A. Fellowship: Mary$500 Astrobiology Department$1,033.81 TOTAL:$2,034

66 Spending Spring ‘06 SpendingCOSTQUANTITYTOTAL Schottky Diodes*$0.14510$1.45 Rechargable NiMH batteries*$17.755$88.75 Solar modules*$23.755$118.75 Epoxy glue*$17.492$34.98 Solar cell batter charger module*$16.955$84.75 Jennic mesh networking kit$1,033.811 Total$1,362.49 LEFT OVER FUNDS: $671.32

67 Anticipated Funds Fall ‘06 Sources of FundingAMOUNT N.A.S.A. Fellowship: Faye$500 N.A.S.A. Fellowship: Mary$500 N.A.S.A Fellowship: Josh$500 TOTAL:$1,500

68 Anticipated Spending Fall ‘06 Future ExpendituresCOSTQUANTITYTOTAL Photodiode Arrays$5001 LEDs, Chemicals$5001 Miscellaneous$2001 Travel Expenses: Big Island Airfare$2004$800 Hotel$1501 Transportation$1002$200 Total$2,350

69 Problems Timing Proof of Concept –Biology –Networking –Documentation Funding Focus Intelligent Sensor Networks for Extreme Environments ProjectSpring ‘06 JanFebMarAprMay Design Meet with Dr. Edo Biagioni, PODS researcher Meet with Dr. Daniel Jenkins, BE Professor Meet with Dr. Vicky Hamilton, Mars "expert" Meet with Andy Boal, Chemistry Understand how the sensors and network works Design schematic layouts Design printed circuit board (if needed) Test components Decide on a protective casing for each mote Create an estimated budget Secure funding for supplies Purchase all materials needed to build

70 Initial Goals: Spring 2006 Design Indicative Bio-signs Order parts Test parts Casing Power supply

71 Goals Accomplished Design Indicative Bio-signs Order parts Test parts Casing Power supply

72 Future Approach Prototype –Components –Miniaturization – Eco-friendly Bio-detector –Design & Develop –Testing Interface –User Software –Debugger

73 Acknowledgements We would like to extend a warm MAHALO to the following individuals for their support, contribution, and assistance to this project (in alphabetical order): Dr. Dale Anderson Dr. Edo Biagioni Dr. Kim Binsted Dr. Andrew Boal Mr. Brian Chee Dr. Victoria Hamilton Mr. Johnson Hung Dr. Daniel Jenkins Dr. Chris McKay Dr. Wei Wen Winston Su Dr. Alan Waggoner Mr. Andrew Yasui Frank V., CEO of TechCom Systems More importantly, we would like to thank our sponsors for the financial support: Hawaii Astrobiology Institute Hawaii Space Grant Consortium N.A.S.A Space Fellowship

74 Works Consulted

75 ~MAHALO~ ¿Questions?

76 Soil

77 Criterion BEFORE Soil Testing 1.You would have to be able to determine if the water table is at most 1 meter below ground 2.Use soil particle size to correlate to water 3.Determine pH of soil 4.Measure carbon sources ALL LEADS TO A BETTER EDUCATED GUESS FOR DETERMINING THE EXISTANCE OF BIOSIGNS

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