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Using Handheld Technologies in High School Economics A School - University Collaborative Design Project Steve Lonn, CR/Rackham IT Fellow Doctoral Student,

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Presentation on theme: "Using Handheld Technologies in High School Economics A School - University Collaborative Design Project Steve Lonn, CR/Rackham IT Fellow Doctoral Student,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Handheld Technologies in High School Economics A School - University Collaborative Design Project Steve Lonn, CR/Rackham IT Fellow Doctoral Student, School of Education Rodney Williams & Christopher Quintana Mentors & Professors, School of Education

2 Why Focus on Economics?  School subject often studied in high school Helps students understand the choices individuals and organizations make in a world of scarce resources. Included in Michigan social studies standards NAEP will test on economics in 2005-2006 Almost no research on teaching and learning in economics

3 Project Goals  Improve high school students’ understanding of difficult concepts in economics  Collaborate on the design of inquiry-based unit and lessons  Experiment with the use of handheld technologies in social studies classrooms  Understand how this process influences both teachers and students

4 Participants  High school economics teachers (4 schools)  High school students  Pre-service teachers  University professors  Field instructors  Graduate students  Undergraduate students (UROP)  TI technology trainer

5 Timeline  Fall 2003 Iterative design process for unit/lessons using online planning tools and face-to-face sessions. Professional development for TI technology at UM and at schools. Incorporation of TI technology into ongoing design process for unit/lessons.

6 Timeline  Winter 2004 Finalize unit design (lesson research) Lesson Study in one classroom (January) Pre-test Teach unit (February – March) Post-test Reflect (lesson research)

7 Lesson Research  The research lesson refers to the lessons that teachers jointly plan, research, and discuss; lesson research (lesson study) is the process of instructional improvement – research lesson is core piece. Lewis, C. (2000)

8 What is Lesson Research?  Define the problem  Plan the lesson  One teacher enacts the lesson  Lesson is evaluated and reflected on  Lesson is revised  Revised lesson is enacted  Further evaluation & reflection  Results are shared with other teachers (and possibly beyond). Pang, M.F. & Marton, F. (2003)

9 Teaching for Understanding (TfU) framework  Throughlines (overarching goals/big ideas/essential questions)  Generative topics  Understanding goals  Ongoing assessment  Performances of understanding

10 TfU Design Tool  Includes TfU elements  Allows for feedback on each item  Discussion Board, etc. also available.

11 Powerful & Authentic Social Studies (PASS)  Standards: Meaningful Integrative Value-based Challenging Active  Criteria: Construction of knowledge Disciplined inquiry Value beyond school

12 Issues-Centered Social Studies  Involve multiple points of view, with insights from many fields of study  Emphasis on content AND development of advanced intellectual capabilities  Students are required to: Define problems Actively search for and evaluate evidence Make defensible decisions Engage in projects that impact persistent and pervasive real world issues Evans & Saxe (1996)

13 Bringing Design Elements Together  Iterative design process will utilize the TfU framework. Issues-Centered social studies will help clarify throughlines and generative topics. PASS standards will be used throughout.  TfU framework has guidelines for technology integration.

14 Evaluation  Pre-Post testing Using standardized economics test  Classroom Observations  Teacher Interviews  Teacher PPI Administered throughout the year  Student PPI Administered in Winter 2003 semester before, during, and after intervention.

15 Texas Instruments (TI) Hardware: TI-83+ Silver Edition  The most widely-used handheld in American high schools today.  Stores up to 94 Applications Applications available in Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, English, etc.  Upgradeable via Computer  Can be used on Standardized Tests

16 Keyboard and Cradle  Connects via Cradle  Full-Size Keys  Can be used to take notes, write in-class responses, etc.

17 Cables  Handheld to Handheld: Allows information sharing from one handheld to another.  USB: Allows information sharing between computer and handheld. Uses TI Connect Software

18 Navigator System  Creates wireless network for TI technology.  Teacher sends & receives from computer.  Four students share hub that transmits wirelessly.

19 TI Connect Software

20 CellSheet Application  Spreadsheet Application  Basic formula creation  Graphing capabilities  Can import and export from Microsoft Excel using CellSheet Converter software.

21 StudyCards  Electronic Flashcards  Can also be used as quiz tool.  Create cards on Windows PC program.

22 Notefolio  Word processing application  Can use the keyboard to quickly type notes and share them with the teacher or other students.  Can also use Windows PC software to create or edit notes.

23 LearningCheck  Can create quizzes, polls, etc.  Create documents on Windows PC program.  Distribute & collect via Navigator system.

24 LearningCheck Activity  We would appreciate your feedback on our project design.  To accomplish this, we ask you to use the LearningCheck program on the TI-83+ SE handhelds.  Afterwards, we will display the results on- screen and discuss.

25 Questions

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