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Chapter One Studying Human Sexuality. Guiding Principles for this Class Real-life relevancy Authoritative Information Personal Choice and Responsibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter One Studying Human Sexuality. Guiding Principles for this Class Real-life relevancy Authoritative Information Personal Choice and Responsibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter One Studying Human Sexuality

2 Guiding Principles for this Class Real-life relevancy Authoritative Information Personal Choice and Responsibility Awareness, Tolerance and Respect for Sexual Diversity Physical and Emotional Health and Wellness Comfort with and Acceptance of Your Own Sexuality Critical Analysis of Research and Information about Sexuality

3 Experiencing Human Sexuality Sex is Emotional Enriching Self-Knowledge Developing Morals and Values –Focus on Your Feelings Making Responsible Choices Sex is More than Intercourse –Foreplay Enhancing Sexual Fulfillment

4 Understanding Human Sexuality It’s More Complex than You Think –Self-Discovery: Sexual Knowledge Self-Test People Know a lot About Sex – And Much of It Is Wrong Tolerance and Respect for Sexual Diversity –Sexuality and Culture: Sex Education in China What Is “Normal” Sexuality? –Self-Discovery: Am I Normal? Sexual Health

5 Parenting - Effects of a Human Sexuality Course

6 Evaluating Sexual Research - Effects of a Human Sexuality Course

7 The Survey as a Method for Studying Human Sexuality What is a Survey? Respondents Reliability Validity Four Types of Surveys –Written Questionnaire –Face-to-face Interviews –Telephone Interviews –Internet Surveys

8 The Survey as a Method for Studying Human Sexuality (cont.)


10 Famous Surveys: The Kinsey Reports Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953) The 2004 film Kinsey (photo right) reintroduced the world to the life and work of pioneering sex survey researcher, Alfred Kinsey seated in the real-life photo (left). Although we must always be cautious about interpreting Hollywood’s version of historical events, Kinsey provides a fascinating glimpse into one of the most influential figures in the history of sexuality research. In the late 1940s and early 1950s when Kinsey was gathering his data about the sexual behavior of men and women in the United States, attitudes about sex were generally quite restrictive. A scene in the film shows government agents seizing a package of Kinsey’s research materials, claiming they were “obscene.” Not only did Kinsey pioneer the survey method of sexuality research, but he did so with conviction—some might say courage—in the highly non-supportive social and political environment of the time.

11 Considerations when Designing Surveys Wording of Survey Questions Participant Sample –Target Population –Sample –Random Sampling Self-Report Data –Social Desirability Bias –Evaluating Sexual Research: Surveys in Popular Magazines

12 Surveys and Self-Selection of Participants Self-Selection Bias

13 The Case Study as a Method of Studying Human Sexuality Case Studies –What is a Case Study? –Researcher Expectancy Effects –Anecdotal Evidence

14 Observation as a Method of Studying Human Sexuality What is Observational Research? William Masters and Virginia Johnson –Human Sexual Response (1966) Related and Competing Theories to Masters and Johnson –Helen Singer Kaplan –David Reed –The “New View”

15 Correlational Research What is Correlational Research? Positive Correlation Negative Correlation No Correlation Causal Link

16 Experimental Research What is Experimental Research? Treatment –The Plethysmograph –The Photolethysmograph Experimental Group Control Group Independent Variable Dependent Variable

17 Ethics and Sexuality Research Protection from Harm Informed Consent Freedom to Withdraw Debriefing Confidentiality

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