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Chapter 9, continued Telecommunications Figure 9.23 – Evolution of communications and computer technologies; integration of systems Uneven spatial development.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9, continued Telecommunications Figure 9.23 – Evolution of communications and computer technologies; integration of systems Uneven spatial development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9, continued Telecommunications Figure 9.23 – Evolution of communications and computer technologies; integration of systems Uneven spatial development of telephone technology – replacement of wired systems with satellite systems – spaces simply skipping the wired phases Backbone connections via fiber-optic cable in both local and global networks


3 Telephone Lines per 100 People Lines overlook the Explosion of cell-phone & PDA Technolgies

4 The inexorable rise in processing power Cash Registers, Calculators Do these break points Correspond to beginnings Of Kondratief Long-waves? Pentium IV

5 Global Figure Optic Network: paralleled by Regional and Local Networks

6 The explosion of telecommunications capacity Note Scale!



9 IT & “The Death of Distance” What is the impact of all this connectivity on the location of economic activity? Will people be able to just work from their office or home or the beach? Or will their jobs disappear and move off to low labor cost platforms, like India? Yes and no, but a rapidly moving target due to the pace of change in IT and business concepts Telework – call centers, back offices (often suburban)

10 Geographies of the Internet The most dramatic development in IT since the development of the PC and the development of low-cost networks Text has good discussion of the history and explosion of use of the Internet Key discussion on p. 331 last paragraph on how evolution in connectivity is changing the level of use of the Internet Figure 9.31 – increase in Internet use has exploded in the last decade, and the next slide shows that it still is….

11 Update on Internet Use Data in Table 9.2 are for 2005

12 International Internet Flows: predictable high-income nation flows, but: contrast this to Fig 9.32, and within nation flows are dominant

13 The Digital Divide We at the UW are on the + side of access to the Internet and its resources Those not connected – poor, isolated, less educated, unable to buy connectivity, lack of education programs, etc. What to do about these inequities? How do we rethink the nature of educational systems?

14 Social Implications of the Internet Causes a rethinking of how people connect with each other – this is still a topic ripe for research What do we use it for? How does this vary between “business” and “home” How has it repositioned what we receive in the way of stimuli? (politics, retailing, porno…. What has it caused us to have to react to? Firewalls and theft in a new environment

15 E-Commerce The Internet has wiped out some lines of work: traditional travel-agents It has created all sorts of opportunities for new businesses,.org,.edu,.gov, etc. What IS e-commerce? The difference between information on-line and transactions on-line. Rapid pace of change here: text overlooks Google’s remarkable profitability from advertising related to searches Online services: ranging from education to gambling EDI – firm based modes of data connection

16 E-Stats from Census Bureau Share of total sales by selected industry From 2009 E-Stats report

17 Future Impacts of IT Huge uncertainty here Smart Cities – do we know how connectivities will restructure interaction? Community-based Applications – on-line service opportunities, but what are the limits? Government – new forms of “city halls,” maybe even voting? Business, Education, and Health care: reducing direct costs, but impact on quality?

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